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社評雙語道:Stamp duty upped to 15 pc to down house prices印花稅調高至15% 冀遏樓價助置業


■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]


面對日益熾熱的樓市(soaring house prices),政府早前宣佈新一輪樓市調控措施。11月5日起所有住宅物業,不論樓價,印花稅(stamp duty)一律調高至15%。無物業的香港永久居民則可獲豁免新稅率,先買後賣「一換一」的換樓人士也可繼續享有退稅安排。這項措施的指向很明確,就是要壓抑過熱的投資需求,盡力遏制正在大幅上升的樓價,讓廣大市民能夠以合理的樓價置業。

香港社會對此均表歡迎,認為此舉既可抑制過熱的投資行為,防止本地樓市出現嚴重泡沫而導致影響整體經濟的健康發展(endanger our economy);也優先保障了香港本地居民的置業需求,讓更多市民有機會實現置業安居之夢。

貴得太離譜 「辣招」盼降溫

今年3月以來,在低息環境(low interest rates)持續,強勁的投資和置業需求雙重推動下,香港的樓市再度轉熱。最近更如脫韁野馬,現時樓價較2012年年中已經高出約三成,而且中小型住宅的升幅尤為突出。有國際調查機構指出,本港樓價中位數已經是港人每年收入中位數(median disposable household income)的19倍,意即一般打工仔不吃不喝19年,把所有收入儲蓄起來,才勉強買得起一個小型單位(a tiny flat),其比例近乎全球最高。

針對這種情況,特區政府在過往推出多項「辣招」(a raft of cooling measures),包括推出額外印花稅( Special Stamp Duty)、買家印花稅(Buyer's Stamp Duty)、雙倍印花稅(Double Stamp Duty)和收緊按揭成數(tighten mortgage lending rules)。在新政下,購買一個樓價400萬元的小型單位,已擁有物業的港人,加稅前要繳交4.5%的雙倍印花稅(約18萬元);現在的印花稅率劃一(across the board)調高至15%,印花稅增至60萬元,增幅超過40萬元,令投資樓市者要增加約10%的成本。如此嚴厲的招數,應該對目前熾熱的樓市投資需求,起到即時降溫的作用。

無物業豁免 達精準調控

另外,對無物業的香港永久居民豁免新稅率,則可照顧到他們置業自住的合理需求,發揮對樓市精準的調控(precisely controls)作用。當然,從長遠來說,政府還是要繼續增加土地供應,滿足社會發展及市民置業對土地的殷切需求。同時,還要密切注視樓市的下一步動向,及時根據最新態勢而採取因應對策。



The government has announced new measures to cool down the house market amid soaring house prices. With effect from November 5, stamp duty on all residential property transactions will increase to a flat rate of 15 per cent. Local buyers without a property will be exempted from this charge, and the refund mechanism for buyers who change their property will be retained.

The government apparently wants to contain the heat from investors and the subsequent surging home prices for the general public to afford houses at reasonable thresholds. Some have welcomed the new measures, thinking they could lower the risk of a serious housing bubble that could endanger our economy, meanwhile allowing the folks to buy their own houses.

Property prices record high

The rise in real estate prices has continued since March on persisting low interest rates and vigorous demand from home seekers and investors alike. Led by small to medium sized flats, current home prices have risen to stratospheric heights and are already 30 per cent higher than those in mid-2012.

According to international studies, an average home in Hong Kong costs 19 times the local median disposable household income. In other words, one saves every single penny of his income continuously for 19 years and he will be able to buy a tiny apartment somewhere in the city.

This terrible situation has pushed the government to introduce a raft of cooling measures-the Special Stamp Duty, Buyer's Stamp Duty, Double Stamp Duty-and tighten mortgage lending rules. To buy a house worthy of HK$4,000,000. an owner of any residential property before the new ruling paid a double stamp duty at 4.5 per cent of the property price; that is HK$180,000. Now the stamp duty has been upped to 15 per cent across the board, a huge HK$400,000 will be added to his bill at a total of HK$600,000. This costs investors 10 per cent more than it used to, a severe blow to the current heated house market.

Non-property owner will be exempted

On the other hand, Hong Kong residents who do not have a property at hand will be exempted from the new duties. This tends to this group's need to buy a place for living and precisely controls the market. In the long run, though, increasing land supply is a must to satisfy the needs of social developments and popular investment. The government will keep an eye on new developments and act accordingly whenever they should.


1. 香港負責稅務的政府部門是?

2. 有指香港的土地供應不足,那麼有什麼方法增加土地供應?

3. 現時有哪些正在研究(under study)/進行中(in progress)的土地發展計劃?


1. 稅務局(Inland Revenue Department)

2. 利用棕地(brownfield sites)、綠化帶(green belts)、填海(reclamation)等

3. 啟德發展計劃(Kai Tak Development)、東涌新市鎮發展(Tung Chung New Town Extension)等

