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在文章結構中,除了要有主題句(topic sentence)等重要元素,不可缺少的就是有足夠的支持。那麼何謂足夠的支持?而支持應如何寫?今天討論一下這個問題。


要能夠支持論點,必須要有客觀性(objective)。因此,可多以數據(statistics)、具權威(authority)的意見或實例(story or cases)等闡述論點。通常,我們至少應有兩個至3個支持點去解釋topic sentence,例如:

From Steve Jobs, we can notice that being passionate to one's goal is essential to one's success. A person's passion will drive him or her to make improvements.

When Apple first produced iPod, it enjoyed an instantaneous success. Yet, rather than stopping, Jobs went on producing other coveted products, which revolutionized subsequent models of personal computers, phones, tablets, etc.

Besides, passion is probably the major ingredient that encourages a person to persist in his or her dream. Without passion, a person may easily give up when facing setbacks or failures. After Jobs was fired by Apple in the 1980s, instead of quitting the IT industry, he went on starting another new firm, which eventually led him back to Apple many years later.

Without passion, it is doubtful that a person can attain perfection and persevere for his or her goals.


主題句 we can notice that being passionate to one's goal is essential to one's success.

論點 1 A person's passion will drive him or her to make improvements.

內文例句  When Apple first produced iPod, it enjoyed an instantaneous success. Yet, rather than stopping, Jobs went on producing other coveted products, which revolutionized subsequent models of personal computers, phones, tablets, etc.

論點 2 Passion is probably the major ingredient that encourages a person to persist in his or her dream.

內文例句  After Jobs was fired by Apple in the 1980s, instead of quitting the IT industry, he went on starting another new firm, which eventually led him back to Apple many years later.


Answer the following question.

Which method is used to elaborate the topic sentence?

Enhancing our mental strength is less formidable than we once imagined. According to Morin, we can, gradually but surely, strengthen our mental stamina by means of certain regular mental exercises such as positive self-talking, practicing tolerance of discomfort, performing daily reflections, etc. Hard work and commitment are needed; we can literally train our mind just like our body.


Referring to authority or an expert.

■Dr. A. Chan,哲學博士,哲學碩士,英語講師。熟悉公開考試之出題模式與評分準則,任教英語。


