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【拼一拼英語】Odd one out puzzle (Answers for 6/15)


Instructions: Which word in each list is different? Why?


1. "onion" is different because it is not a fruit

2. "arm" is different because it's not on your head

3. "learn' is different because it's not a "money verb"

4. "library" is different because it's not a place where you can buy something

5. "passport" is different because it's not a "work word"

6. "ticket" is different because it's not an "education word"

7. "neighbour" is different because he/she is not (usually) part of your family

8. "finish" is different because it's not an adjective / "loud" is different because it doesn't start with the letter "f"

9. "lamp" is different because it's not part of a building

10. "calendar" is different because it's not a "time word"

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