英文其實借用了不少他國文字的詞彙,這些詞彙的拼法和發音都比較特別,今次要說一個源自法文的詞語fait accompli。
「fait accompli」是名詞,眾數是「faits accomplis」,法文「fait」即英文「fact」,解作事實,而法文「accompli」即英文的「accomplished」,解作已經完成了。故此法文「fait accompli」指某些事情經已做了,不能改變,是木已成舟、米已成炊的事實。
Members were dissatisfied as the proposal was presented as a fait accompli, without discussion or consultation.
The school has devised a new policy and presented the parents with a fait accompli. Parents feel that they have no option but to accept.
Some citizens refused to take the fuel tax as a fait accompli and took to the streets.
如果不想用法文詞語又想日常口語化一點,可以選用意思相近的美國俚語done deal。「done deal」是名詞,眾數是「done deals」。當中的「done」是「do」的過去分詞,用作形容詞,是「做好了、完成了」的意思;「deal」是「交易、協定」。所謂done deal即是已經完成了的協定或交易,早已訂實了的計劃,一定會發生,類似fait accompli。
The project is a done deal. You have to prepare for it.
How to make use of the land there is far from a done deal. People should continue to voice their opinions to the government.
Although many believe that the election is a done deal, they are still optimistic.
文字往往帶有寓意,fait accompli或done deal都予人一點負面的意思,就像中文說的米已成炊,帶點強人所難的意味,而且都是指一些不希望見到的事情或不想出現的狀況。■Lina CHU [ linachu88@gmail.com ]