Lina Choo:香港公子哥完(兒)眼高手低,吃不了苦。何謂體力勞動?擔擔抬抬、地盤、被人呼喝
Tony Chow:要去人家的國家做苦力,跟以前買(賣)豬仔有咩分別呀!
「Kinki Kwan」:(加拿大)擺明學英國搵香港笨,有錢儮L去抽重稅陰乾你蠵,有錢麰n你心甘情願做廉價勞工,有案底麰欓~(使)諗留返香港坐監啦
Billy Chan:搞移民黻禤a梗係想肥自己啦!包裝當然好,實質上梗係唔收暴徒,唔怕佢]扔汽油彈幫d(齱^舖頭「裝修」咩!
Anders IU:其實D(齱^人想移民去加拿大前有冇唸(諗)過,香港有30幾萬加拿大人居住,以前回流香港的30幾萬人點解吾(唔)搬返去加拿大住?
Jean-Marc Boileau:This makes me laugh. Before starting such spectacular initiatives, why don't you concentrate on your shameful backlog of Resident Visa applications?(真係搞笑,你]鰤筑I鑨搳u壯觀」黿僧I前,點解唔集中精力處理積壓鴭~民簽證申請呢?)
BadencHo Arabit-Manzano:Why Hong Kong National only? They have the money i guess, look at most of the people from vancouver who are mostly from hong kong, they have 2 properties and are paid cash.(點解剩(淨)係放寬港人移民政策?我估因為佢]有錢,好多溫哥華鼤墨螺薯菢輕銦A佢]好多都用現金買魖潃茠奐~)
Nucet Gonzalez:This is discrimination(擺明係歧視)
Ivana V Kovachevic:Some people spent years here paying taxes as good citizens but they stuck in process of getting citizenship as tests are canceled and there is no one update when can be expected since March...when comes to our right and obligations we must follow but what about you ?(有鰜蛈鰲X年又好好鴭~民年年畀緊稅,只係因為呢度3月起取消髐J籍考試,至今又冇新消息,幾時先會尊重鴽]幭v利?)