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2011年5月13日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-05-13]     我要評論





Economic and public relation effects of the Wedding of the Century

 Prince William of the United Kingdom and Catherine (or Kate) Middleton got married at the end of last month in the Wedding of the Century with blessings from hundreds and thousands of people. The grand wedding ceremony that captured the attention of the whole world not only gave a “boost”to the faltering British economy and brought considerable revenue, but also effected a successful national public relation initiative that showcased the elegance and nobleness of the British culture and heritage. The image of Kate as a princess from the common people was deliberately emphasized by the Royal Family and a greater number of modern concepts were also added to the ceremony. These showed the willingness of the Royal Family to catch up with modern times and get closer to the general public.

 The high popularity of this Wedding of the Century made it“a shot in the arm”for the currently poor economy of Britain, as a lot of business opportunities were brought to the country. Due to the enchantment of the wedding, related souvenirs such as books, chinaware, t-shirts and post cards became hot picks for buyers while various prince and princess fairy tale packages offered by major hotels in the UK became favourable choices among tourists. The year 2011 has been named by the British tourist authority the Year of Royal Wedding Tourism and recently the number of foreign visitors to the UK has increased by 600,000 over the past year. It has also been estimated that the royal wedding can bring £1 billion revenue to the UK economy.

 The Royal Family is the national symbol of Britain. As they invited outstanding political figures, dignitaries and ambassadors to witness the wedding, the Royal Family had in effect hosted a joyous and lively diplomatic event. The grandiose ceremony, the arrangement of schedule and even the costumes as seen in such a royal event were all rich in British culture and meaning. The Wedding of the Century was a golden opportunity for Britain to promote its culture and heritage to the world. Furthermore, the British government had made the wedding day a national holiday so that everyone in the country could enjoy the celebration. The British people, considering the wedding an important national event, temporarily put down their political differences and shared the joy together. Clearly, the wedding had also an effect of uniting the people and improving national cohesion.

 ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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