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2011年11月18日 星期五
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社評雙聲道:G20需攜手合作 對抗歐債危機

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-11-18]     我要評論

■G20透過IMF向歐洲及財困國注資,顯示在全球經濟一體化條件下,各國必須攜手合作,共抗衰退。 資料圖片




G20 must work together to tackle eurozone debt crisis

G20 member states had failed to reach a consensus on how to inject more fund to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) during the meeting on the last day of the G20 summit held in Cannes of France. President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy said that leaders of the G20 countries had agreed to increase resources of IMF to help tackle the eurozone debt crisis but had yet to decide on how to proceed.

The eurozone debt crisis has up to the present moment remained unsolved and is at risk of worsening. Countries of the world should fully evaluate the risk of a second global depression. They should understand that no country can escape unscathed, and that only with solidarity and collaboration can they overcome the present difficulties. Newly-emerged countries, with China taking the lead, have been making more significant contributions to the global economy. The international community should strike a balance between the rights and obligations shared by these newly-emerged countries, let these newly-emerged countries have a greater say, and establish a world economic order which is fairer and more reasonable.

The injection of fund by G20 through the IMF to Europe and also the debt-ridden countries shows that all countries must work together to resist recession in an environment of globalization. Europe as a whole is the largest economy in the world and is also the major market for exports from newly-emerged economies. As long as the debt crisis persists, and the economy remains weak, the global financial system will in the end be brought down, and the economy of all the countries around the world will inevitably be adversely affected. So, in a sense, saving Europe is saving the world. During the financial tsunami that happened in 2008, Europe and USA hesitated in extending a bailout, allowing the financial crisis to aggravate until it hurt the fundamentals. This time, the G20 summit should reach a consensus as quickly as possible in a bid to take unified actions. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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