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2011年12月9日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-12-09]     我要評論

■市建局斥資近12億元重建九龍城區16幢逾60年樓齡舊樓,部分樓宇住宅距離架空天橋不足10米,住戶半夜常被行車聲吵醒。 資料圖片




Redevelopment should not be affected by fluctuations of property market

Last month the Urban Renewal Authority(URA) announced that it will spend about HKD1.2 billion to redevelop 16 street numbers of buildings which are over 60 years old in Kowloon City. It is estimated that the project will be completed before 2020 and will provide 180 residential units. The URA has stressed that the time frame of the redevelopment project will not be affected by the fluctuations of the property market. This decision of the URA not to adjust the time frame of redevelopment projects in light of fluctuations of the property market will have a positive effort on pushing forward the rehabilitation of old buildings. In addition, the Authority should also help owners of old buildings understand; encourage them to make use of the demand-led redevelopment scheme and to voluntarily apply for redevelopment so that the scheme can benefit more Hong Kong citizens.

Currently, there are about 4,000 buildings that are at or over 50 years of age. In the coming 10 years, the number of "old buildings" will increase by 500 blocks a year. These buildings, with no repair and revamp over the years, are dilapidated and in very poor conditions. Many of them are classified as dangerous buildings which seriously endanger the lives and safety of the people. Early last year, the collapse of the Cantonese shophouses in Ma Tau Wai Road caused four deaths and two injuries. Dwellers of old buildings are still haunted by the incident, and speeding up old building redevelopment has thus become a public concern.

In June this year, the URA introduced the demand-led redevelopment scheme. Under the scheme, owners of an old building may voluntarily file a joint application for redevelopment with the consent of 67% of the owners. This marks a change from the former practice of URA-initiated redevelopment. However, due to poor publicity, most owners of old buildings do not have even a clear understanding of the scheme, not to mention an initiative to start a redevelopment project. The government and URA should step up their publicity efforts and simplify the application procedures. Individual unit owners should be allowed a greater power to initiate redevelopment projects, which helps speed-up of the renewal of old buildings.  ■Translation by 東明



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