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2011年12月2日 星期五
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社評雙語道:縮減過多考試 紓緩學生壓力

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-12-02]     我要評論

■在教育局新安排下,未來3年會隔年舉行小六全港性系統評估,以及中一入學前學科測驗。 資料圖片



Cut excessive examinations to relieve students of pressure

The Education Bureau announced in mid-November that in the coming three years, the Primary Six Territory-wide System Assessment (P6 TSA) and the Pre-S1 Hong Kong Attainment Test (Pre-S1 HKAT) will be held in alternate years in order to relieve students of examination pressure. Under the new arrangement, primary six students need only to sit for one of these public examinations. In fact, the current assessment system, which requires primary six students to take frequent examinations, puts a lot of pressure on the students. This has also led to the student suicide problem as some students simply committed suicide due to the heavy burden. There is indeed a need to cut the number of examinations as much as possible to relieve students of the pressure of examination. In the long term, the education reform in Hong Kong should be geared more towards aligning with international practices. Secondary school entry examinations should be gradually eliminated, and the prime objective of education shifted from preparing students for examinations to developing students* attributes and promoting happy learning to better facilitate the all-round development of the students.

Driven by the mentality where elite schools prevail, education authorities, schools and parents in Hong Kong put excessive emphasis on examinations, and students are forced to take endless extra-curriculum tuitions as well as tests and examinations. Cases in which students took their own lives when they could not cope with the heavy examination pressure have not been uncommon here. In the USA, primary students do not need to take any examination when they enter the secondary level; rather, they are allocated according to school districts. In the UK, many secondary schools are willing to adjust their admission procedures and requirements in recent years to allow for more students; some schools even waive the examination and make decisions based on solely students* academic achievements or their performance in the interview. Hong Kong can learn from the experiences of these sophisticated education practices in the international community and gradually cast aside its examination-oriented mode of education and elitism mentality in primary and secondary education. This is to truly implement the ideology that learning is more than scoring.  ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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