■洪磊表示,中方已就名古屋市長否認南京大屠殺事件,向日方提出嚴正交涉。 資料圖片
Denying atrocities in history will only hurt the friendship between China and Japan
Triggered by Nagoya mayor's denial of the Nanjing Massacre, the Nanjing Municipality announced the suspension of official contacts with Nagoya. On 22 February, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hong Lei, confirmed that the Chinese side had issued a stern complaint to the Japanese side and that the ministry gave understanding and support to Nanjing Municipality's decision to suspend its contacts with Nagoya.
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic ties. Fostering a healthy and stable development of strategic relationship of mutual benefits is the common goal of both countries. To this end, the Japanese side has to truly learn from history, correctly understand and deal with the history of invasion of China, and maintain the political basis for Sino-Japanese relationship. Denial of the Nanjing Massacre, which the Japanese side did repeatedly through various means, is virtually a distortion and whitewashing of history. This is by no means acceptable to the Nanjing people as well as the entire Chinese population. It will unavoidably have an impact on the friendly basis between China and Japan, and create additional obstacles to the long term development of the relationship between the two countries.
In recent years, the wrong attitude towards history that the Japanese rightists take is nibbling away the right attitude towards history and the trend has shown to be more and more obvious. Atrocious war crimes, from the invasion of China to the comfort women, are denied or whitewashed. The usage of history textbooks that wrongly present these historical facts has also been spreading continuously. The rights and wrongs of history get increasingly blurred and unclear to the Japanese society especially among the younger generation. The development is worrying. Let's think about this. If Japan dares not face history and admit its wrongdoings, how can it expect to gain forgiveness from those countries that it had hurt; and how can it become a great nation of real meaning and earn the respect of the world? ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com