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2012年5月25日 星期五
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社評雙語道:書商理虧在先 政府理應介入

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-05-25]     我要評論


The government should intervene as publishers break their promise




Two main textbook publisher associations met with the Secretary for Education Mr. Michael Suen Ming-yeung on 9 May to discuss issues relating to debundling of textbooks and pricing of teaching materials. The discussion broke down and members of the associations immediately turned to the Office of the Ombudsman to complain about the maladministration of the government. Mr. Suen rebuked by pointing out that publishers have unreasonably marked up prices of teaching materials, which is indirectly tapping government resources to pay for the costs; such practice, he said, is unacceptable.

Debundling of textbooks was initially meant to reduce the prices of textbooks. Nonetheless, it has eventually caused a substantial rise in the prices of teacher manuals, and in effect becomes a way of subsidizing publishers with public fund. Obviously this violates the original agreement. In fact, textbook publishers and the Education Bureau have been engaging in a tug-of-war since 2009 on the issue of debundling textbooks and teaching materials for pricing. After a series of negotiations, the publishers finally agreed to implement textbook debundling. However, the debundled teacher manuals have turned out to be up to three times more expensive than the student textbooks. Debundling textbooks and teaching materials as a means to reduce price has become an empty promise. The Education Bureau's suggestion that schools should be allowed to obtain teacher manuals free of charge is actually a response to counter the nonperformance of the publishers.

Despite all the efforts, the authorities have not been able to lower the prices of textbooks. One of the reasons is that as there are more than a dozen textbook publishers in Hong Kong, a small city of 7 million people, the market share enjoyed by each publisher is relatively small. Publishers can hardly achieve an economy of scale, and this pushes up the costs of production and publication. Another reason is that this relatively small market is dominated by a few large-sized publishers. This is why the prices of textbooks stand at a constantly high level. In a distorted textbook market like this, the conflict between the publishers and the government has ended in deadlock, and it is unlikely that negotiation alone can make any breakthroughs.

 ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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