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2012年5月18日 星期五
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社評雙語道:長者乘車優惠 交通機構應承擔

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-05-18]     我要評論




Public transport operators should absorb cost of concessionary fares for the elderly

Early this month, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare Mr Cheung Kin-chung announced that the HK$2 per trip fare concession scheme for the elderly and eligible persons with disabilities would be implemented in phases starting with MTR by the end of June the earliest and the bus companies would follow suit by the middle of September. It is hoped by implementing the scheme in phases using the approach of easy option first, the fare concession can be in place as soon as possible so that the elderly and disabled people can enjoy the benefit in good time. The government should try its best to expand the scheme and gradually include other modes of transport such as public light bus and tram services. At the same time, the major public transport companies should bear greater social responsibilities and offer concessionary fares to the elderly and disabled people on their own initiative in a bid to lessen the burden on public fund application.

In launching the scheme, the government has to reimburse the participating transport operators for the shortfalls in transport fares. The cost, as estimated by the government, will be HK$230 million for the current financial year and then HK$400 million for the year 2013 to 2014 when the scheme is in full operation. The fare concession scheme demonstrates the care given to the elderly and persons with disabilities by the community, as well as manifests the spirit of love and inclusiveness in the society. Participating public transport operators and the Octopus Company should try their best to minimize the administrative expenses to ensure the proper use of public fund. Taking care of the elderly and persons with disabilities is a common responsibility of the community as a whole; therefore, business enterprises should make greater commitments. In large cities overseas and on the mainland, the elderly and persons with disabilities have long been offered free rides on public transport services. In Hong Kong, where almost all local public transports raise their fares nearly every year under a profit protection mechanism, the transport companies should really repay society more actively. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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