■商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑指港將就與東盟締結自貿協定展開談判。圖為他在東盟領袖論壇擔任主講嘉賓的情況。 資料圖片
ASEAN - Hong Kong free trade talk creates new opportunities
Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development So Kam-leung who was in Myanmar to attend the ASEAN Leadership Forum said that with the support of the central government, Hong Kong has agreed with ASEAN on starting shortly the formal negotiations on the ASEAN - Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement. The free trade agreement between Hong Kong and ASEAN will facilitate trade and investment activities between the two signatories and help Hong Kong penetrate into the regional trade bloc. This can open up new opportunities to businesses in Hong Kong and also boost long term economic growth.
According to a report published by the Trade Development Council on 19 March this year, ASEAN has a total population of more than 610,000,000, an overall GDP of more than US$2,300 billion, as well as an average growth of 6% per annum over the past 10 years. It is estimated that ASEAN, despite a relatively weak performance in export, can still sustain a real economic growth of 4.9% in 2013 due to strong growth in personal consumption and government expenditure. The Asian Development Bank anticipates the economic growth in ASEAN to speed up to 5.3% in 2014.
ASEAN, which comprises 10 member countries, is Hong Kong's second largest trading partner in goods and the fourth largest trading partner in services. ASEAN is one of the most important economic regions in the world, with a total number of economies and total population comparable to those of the EU. If the trade talk is successful, Hong Kong can integrate into the regional trade bloc, which can bring a lot more opportunities to Hong Kong. This will not only help entrepreneurs to focus on genuine market opportunities in the region but also provide a stable and transparent framework for industry and commerce to flourish. The free trade agreement should bring complementary effects and synergies that will help ASEAN and also Hong Kong to create more opportunities.■Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ](節自香港《文匯報》2014年5月13日)