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News Buddy:Bob Dylan, singer, gets Nobel Prize in Literature樂壇傳奇卜戴倫奪文學獎

■卜戴倫獲得諾獎,引起不少爭議。 資料圖片■卜戴倫獲得諾獎,引起不少爭議。 資料圖片




相比小說(fiction)、戲劇(drama)及詩歌(poetry),民歌(folk song)很少被視為主流(mainstream)文學,但本年度諾貝爾文學獎(Nobel Prize in Literature)10月13日揭盅,由75歲美國創作歌手卜戴倫(Bob Dylan)奪得。瑞典文學院(Swedish Academy)形容卜戴倫在美國歌曲傳統框架中,帶來嶄新的詩意表達方式,讚揚他的作品是「獻給耳朵的詩歌」。

今次是諾貝爾文學獎首度頒發(bestow)給創作歌手,瑞典文學院常任秘書(Permanent Secretary)達尼烏斯(Sara Danius)表示,評審委員會是一致同意頒獎給卜戴倫,他可獨得800萬瑞典克朗(約702萬港元)獎金。


瑞典文學院成員韋斯特貝里(Per Wastberg)形容卜戴倫是「最偉大的在世詩人(poet)」及「標誌性人物(icon)」,而《Blowin' in the Wind》、《Masters of War》等名曲深具叛逆(rebellion)、異見(dissent)及獨立(independence)精神,對當代(contemporary)樂壇影響深遠。有記者問卜戴倫今年稍後來斯德哥爾摩(Stockholm)領獎時,會否以演唱會代替傳統的得獎演說,韋斯特貝里笑答:「希望是吧。」

卜戴倫1941年生於美國明尼蘇達州(Minnesota)一個猶太中產家庭,年幼時曾加入多隊樂隊,對音樂興趣日濃,特別是美國民歌及藍調(blues)音樂。他20歲時移居紐約,在會所及咖啡室表演,在1962年推出處女專輯(debut album)《Bob Dylan》。他早期知名度不高,很多創作的歌曲都是由其他人翻唱後才廣為人知。其後卜戴倫陸續推出《Bringing It All Back Home》、《Blonde On Blonde》等專輯,知名度亦愈來愈高,奠定他的樂壇地位。


卜戴倫善用音樂媒介,表達對政治、宗教、愛情及人類社會的關注,美國1960年代的民權運動(civil rights movement)及反越戰(Vietnam War)運動也深受他的作品啟發,令他被譽為「一整代人的聲音」。出道至今逾50年,他仍然在寫歌及四處巡迴演出,但兩年前接受英國《泰晤士報》(The Times)訪問時表示,自己不想成為「一整代人的聲音」,只想過「朝九晚五」的生活。



1. Bob Dylan曾寫過一本回憶錄,名為什麼?

2. Bob Dylan剛於去年獲美國總統奧巴馬頒發了什麼獎項?

3. 諾貝爾獎的頒發始於哪年?

4. 諾貝爾獎是根據誰人的遺囑所創立?

5. 諾貝爾獎包括有哪些獎項?


1. Like a Rolling Stone

2. 總統自由勳章 (Presidential Medal of Freedom)

3. 1901年

4. 瑞典化學家阿爾弗雷德.諾貝爾(Alfred Nobel)

5. 物理學獎(Nobel Prize in Physics)、化學獎(Nobel Prize in Chemistry)、生理學或醫學獎(Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine)、文學獎(Nobel Prize in Literature)、和平獎(Nobel Peace Prize)、經濟學獎(Nobel Prize in Economics)


Compared with fiction, drama and poetry, folk songs are seldom regarded as part of the literary mainstream.Yet the 75-year-old American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, who was praised by the Swedish Academy for "having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition" and "writing poetry for the ear", was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature on October 13.

This was the first time the prestigious award had been bestowed on a musician. Sara Danius, the Academy's Permanent Secretary, said that the Nobel Committee endorsed the choice without objection, and that Dylan would receive a prize of eight million Swedish Kronor (equivalent to HK$7.02 million).

"The greatest living poet"

The Academy member Per Wastberg described Dylan as the "the greatest living poet", who "has the status of an icon" and established his reputation with songs such as "Blowin' in the Wind" and "Masters of War" that capture a spirit of rebellion, dissent and independence, consequently bringing a profound influence on contemporary music. Asked if Dylan's Nobel lecture in Stockholm later this year would be a concert instead of a speech as traditionally delivered by a laureate, he smiled and answered, "Let's hope so."

Dylan was born in a Jewish middle-class family in the United States of Minnesota in 1941. As a teenager he played in various bands and developed his interest in music, with a particular passion for American folk music and blues. He then moved to New York City at the age of 20 and started to perform in clubs and cafes, and finally his debut album Bob Dylan was released in 1962. Dylan was not that influential in his early youth and many of his songs were made popular by other artists, until he recorded a number of albums including Bringing It All Back Home, Blonde On Blonde etc., which had brought a tremendous impact on popular music and confirmed his iconic status.

He finds 9-5 job more desirable

Dylan has been writing songs to express his concern for politics, religion, love and human society. Some of Dylan's lyrics inspired the civil rights movement and Vietnam War protests in America in 1960s, making him "the voice of his generation". More than 50 years on, he is still writing songs and performing around, but he refused to accept the title "voice of a generation" during an interview with The Times two years ago. Instead, he said he simply wanted to get his regular 9-5 job done.

The fact that Dylan won the Nobel Prize in Literature has surprised the global literary community. Some people have questioned whether Dylan, however great achievement he has had in music, deserves to be recognized as a writer. In fact, Dylan was a long-time betting favourite to win the Prize, but his constant failure to grab the award had turned him into a subject of mockery.

