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【News Buddy】空污「霾」身 旅遊「洗肺」 外賣火爆

■河南開封清明上河園,「宋徽宗」與「皇后」戴茖冀r面具參加低碳減霾騎行活動。 資料圖片■河南開封清明上河園,「宋徽宗」與「皇后」戴茖冀r面具參加低碳減霾騎行活動。 資料圖片


全國多地霧霾(smog / fog / haze)持續鎖城。據氣象(meteorological)監測顯示,12月18日上午,霧霾天氣影響大片區域。

環保部(Ministry of Environmental Protection)通報稱,重污染(heavy pollution)應對效果已經初步顯現,但極端不利擴散(diffusion)的氣象條件持續,污染預計在19日加重,最嚴重時段將出現在21日。



中央氣象台(National Meteorological Center of CMA)首席預報員(chief forecaster)馬學款介紹,18日至21日,華北中南部、黃淮、陝西關中等地擴散(diffuse/ disperse)條件較差,霧、霾天氣將持續,同時夜間至早上會有不同程度的大霧天氣,公眾出行需留意。

環保部稱重污染應對效果已經初步顯現,北京實際PM2.5日均濃度(daily average concentration of PM2.5)比預測值明顯下降。京津冀(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei)及周邊啟動紅色預警的23個城市中約三分之一城市污染程度較預測下降一級。

各地均按照重污染天氣應急預案,積極組織開展應對工作,派出督導組(advisory inspectorate)赴現場督導檢查(inspection),讓企業(enterprise)落實應急減排(emission reduction)措施。

督查發現,部分企業、工地(construction site)未嚴格落實停產停工要求,仍有露天焚燒(open burning)治理不到位、中小企業違法排污(illegal sewage disposal)等問題,已敦促地方政府及相關部門進一步調查(investigation),依法處理。




外賣平台上噌噌上漲的訂單量也表明了「吃貨」們不願外出的心情。不少餐廳適時推出了「抗霾清肺套餐」,銷量(sales volume)火爆。

在霾中工作的外賣小哥(courier)心情如何?一名外賣「騎士」告訴記者,天氣不好但工作量(workload)多了。霧霾限行(traffic restriction)還讓汽車分時租賃「火」了一把。

Smog prompts "lung-cleansing" tours and take-aways

【譯文】Most regions of the country have been plagued by a lasting smog and haze. Meteorological data showed that a wide span of areas was suffering from foggy weather on the morning of December 18, 2016.

China's Ministry of Environmental Protection said that while pollution measures began to deliver results, the meteorological conditions were extremely unfavorable to the diffusion of pollutants, probably worsening the situation on the 19th and remain challenging until the 21st.

Beijing's PM2.5 lower than expected

Meteorological monitoring revealed that the affected areas had reached 1.42 million square kilometers, of which 150 thousand square kilometers had been heavily polluted, citing the southeast of Beijing, Tianjin, south-central Hebei, Shaanxi, northern Henan and other places. Dense and heavy fog was observed during the morning of the aforementioned regions.

Mr. Ma Xue-kuan, chief forecaster of the National Meteorological Center of CMA, explained that conditions were less favorable for the heavy fog to disperse in central-southern China, Huang Huai and Shaanxi between the 18th and the 21st. He expected extreme fogginess at nights until the next mornings, suggesting the public stay alert while travelling outdoors.

According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the measures to cope with the heavy pollution had achieved preliminary results, in which Beijing's recorded daily average PM2.5 concentration was lower than expected. The pollution levels in one-third of the 23 cities in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas where red warnings had persisted for a long time also dropped.

To deal with the dire pollution, most regions have been actively taking emergency actions and sending out advisory inspectorate for on-site inspections aimed to help industrial enterprises work out emission-reduction measures.

It was found some corporates and construction sites did not adhere strictly to the production-cut requirement. The problems of improper open burning and illegal sewage disposal among small and medium-sized enterprises were still common. In view of the worrying situation, the advisory inspectorate urged the local governments to continue to investigate and prosecute when necessary.

"Forest" makes hot search keyword

However, given the unfavorable diffusion conditions, the Ministry of Environmental Protection predicted that the pollution levels would reach a record high between the 18th and the 19th and the situation would even get worse on the 21st. The effectiveness of the emission-reduction measures would need further observation and assessment.

Going for a tour to get rid of the smoggy weather is becoming popular nowadays, and the websites promoting "avoiding smog", "lung cleansing" and "forest" have seen a 200% increase in pageviews.

The online platforms for food ordering and delivery had also experienced a surge in sales volume and even started offering "anti-haze" and "lung cleansing" meals. A courier told the reporters that his workload increased a lot in the heavily polluted days.

The traffic restrictions imposed due to massive smog had also boosted up the deals of car leasing in the market.■龐嘉儀


1. 內地的霧霾問題每年約波及多少個省份及城市?

2. 北京建立的空氣質量檢測預警制度分為多少等級?

3. 霧霾的主要成因有哪些?

4 吸入霧霾會對人體造成哪些傷害?


1. 25個省份,100多座大中城市

2. 四種等級:紅橙黃藍

3. 城市化(urbanization)、工業化(industrialization)等

4. 導致呼吸系統疾病(respiratory disease)等

