大家都記得,上學年我們在這個專欄介紹了Top Gear這個電視節目和他們的主持人Jeremy Clarkson、James May和Richard Hammond。可是,Jeremy Clarkson在2015年,因為與節目監製(Producer)Oisin Tymon發生肢體衝突,所以被BBC停職(suspended)。當時BBC發出的聲明是這樣的:「Clarkson was suspended by the BBC from Top Gear following a "fracas" with one of the show's producers.」當中「fracas」的意思是喧噪、吵鬧。不過事實上,Jeremy Clarkson當時是因為監製未能為他提供妥善的飲食而大發脾氣,所以揮拳打中Oisin Tymon,導致他嘴角流血(result in a bloody lip)。
監製被送院 主持被停職
事件發生後,Oisin Tymon被送到醫院接受治療。而Jeremy Clarkson則被BBC的高層停職。其實當時他們是在拍攝Top Gear最後一集,即是那一季的大結局(Season Finale),但因為這件事而未能完成。
隨後這件事曝光了,傳媒爭相訪問Jeremy Clarkson和BBC的高層,將會如何處理這件事。其實當時BBC也處於一個Catch-22的情況。(Catch-22的意思是指在兩個都不好受的選擇下,必須要選擇其中一個。)因為Jeremy Clarkson之前已經有多次在節目中提及或鼓勵discrimination(歧視)的投訴,而當時BBC的高層已經嚴重警告過Jeremy Clarkson不可以再發生同類事件,否則必定會把他炒魷魚。
收視王牌節目 高層處兩難
可是今次這事件比起之前的歧視投訴更加嚴重,屬於暴力及刑事的案件,所以BBC的立場是︰非炒不可。可是,Top Gear是當時BBC收視最佳的節目,而每年的播放版權(broadcasting rights)是BBC的其中一個商業上最成功的節目(one of the BBC's most commercially successful programmes),帶動了BBC一大部分的收入。如果要把Jeremy Clarkson炒魷,很大機會會流失很多觀眾,繼而影響收入。
在未有結論時,BBC極罕有地把這個極高收視的節目抽起︰On 10 March 2015, the 22nd series of the programme was abruptly put into hiatus by the BBC。「hiatus」的意思本身是空隙,但如果用在節目,就可以解讀為暫時抽起節目的意思。
那時也有討論,如果真的把Jeremy Clarkson炒魷,餘下的兩位主持人,James May和Richard Hammond,是否願意繼續主持節目。而二人都異口同聲地發表聲明,將會與Jeremy Clarkson共同進退。
至於Jeremy Clarkson,在事件曝光之後,大批傳媒在他的住所外日夜等候,希望可以訪問他對整件事的看法(His own view on the incident.)。在其中一個早上,Jeremy Clarkson正要離開住所時,有記者問他現在有什麼計劃,Jeremy Clarkson便風趣幽默的回應:「I've been suspended haven't I? I'm just off to the job centre.」(我不是已經被停職了嗎?我現在正要去職業介紹中心呢。)
記者見到Jeremy Clarkson願意回應他們的問題,當然繼續追問。Asked if his suspension was over a row about food he said "no, no, no" but said "yes" when asked if he had any regrets about what had happened.(記者問他是否因為食物的原因而被停職,Jeremy Clarkson搖頭否認。但當記者問他是否後悔當日的行為,他卻說是。)但是,Jeremy Clarkson最終也沒有回答,究竟他是否會被BBC辭退,還是會主動向BBC提出辭職。He did not answer when asked if he was going to be sacked or resign from Top Gear.
BBC辭退Jeremy Jeremy發道歉聲明
在這事件發生了大約1個月後,BBC就決定把Jeremy Clarkson辭退,而James May和Richard Hammond也主動向Top Gear辭職。還有,當日被打的監製Oisin Tymon,也向Jeremy Clarkson採取了法律行動。Oisin Tymon launched the action against Clarkson and the BBC after the presenter gave him a bloody lip in a bust-up last March. 這裡的bust-up是指一個關係的破裂。
而Jeremy Clarkson也向傳媒發表聲明:
I would like to say sorry, once again, to Oisin Tymon for the incident and its regrettable aftermath.(關於這件事所引起的餘波,我感到非常後悔,我想再一次向監製Oisin Tymon先生說聲對不起。)
I want to reiterate that none of this was in any way his fault. (我想再一次聲明,錯不在Oisin Tymon先生。)
I would also like to make it clear that the abuse he has suffered since the incident is unwarranted and I am sorry too that he has had to go through that. (我亦都想在此表明,他所受到的傷害是絕對沒有必要的,而我非常抱歉使他經歷了這件事。)
I am pleased that this matter is now resolved. Oisin was always a creatively exciting part of Top Gear and I wish him every success with his future projects. (我感恩這件事現在已經得到解決,Oisin Tymon先生是一位非常有創意的Top Gear監製,我祝願他未來繼續成功。) ■岑皓軒