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2009年10月14日 星期三
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英語加油站:"Pseudo model" Phenomenon(o靚模現象)in Hong Kong

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-10-14]     我要評論

 ■多名o靚模在暑假推出性感寫真集,惹起輿論爭議。 資料圖片

The most talked-about(談論焦點)pseudo model(also called as "teenage model") in Hong Kong Chrissie Chau Sau-na was invited to be the guest speaker for the talk, titled "Unscrambling the Chrissie Chau Phenomenon"(解讀周秀娜現象)at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology earlier this month, giving Chau the opportunity to participate in the first of the seminar series under the theme "Knowledge Unlimited". This seminar attracted over 400 audience, most of them were males. During the conversation with the Lingnan University professor Dr Li Siu-leung, Chau was perplexed(困惑)by Li's questions which contain a lot of academic terms(學術詞彙)that she didn't understand.

 Here are some highlights from the talk:

Li: What do you think young people of your generation have in common?(你覺得你們這一輩的人有甚麼特色?)

Say, for example, that you enjoy doing something together. (譬如大家很喜歡做某樣事情。)

What are your common topics to talk about?(你們的共同話題是甚麼?)

Chau: We like something that is very "bao"(extremely high contrast). (我們很喜歡很「爆」的事情。)

The audience(觀眾)burst into laughter(大笑起來)after Chau had responded to Li's question. Li continued.

Li: Please define "bao".(請界定「爆」。)

Chau: Things that contrast very much. (即是差異上很大的事情。)

Li: Please give an example. (請舉實例。)

Chau: Everyone likes to watch "bus uncle". He is something "bao". We like to take photos of ourselves. I am one of them.(譬如大家很喜歡看巴士阿叔,這是一件很「爆」的事例。譬如很喜歡自拍,我也是其中一個。)

Li: Bus uncle is very "bao" because he is intensively violent. His emotions are at its peak. (巴士阿叔好「爆」因為他極度暴力。各種情緒已經去到頂點的時刻。)

Do you enjoy these emotionally intensive moments? Like driving a car at 150 miles per hour? It's only my random hypothesis. Do you have any other examples?(你會不會極度享受這種情緒達到最頂峰的時刻?例如開快車至每小時150公里?我只是隨便舉例。你有沒有其他例子?)

Chau: It's a very difficult question. (很深奧。)

Li: Do you have any impulse or desire to organize your complex self?(你有沒有一種衝動或慾望去梳理複雜的自己?)

Chau: Can you please repeat that?(你可否再問一次?)

Li: Is it important to understand yourself well?(去追尋自己是誰是否很重要?)

Chau: I still think that it's too difficult.(我依然覺得很深奧。)

 After the talk, a female audience questioned her purpose of selling life-sized pillows showing off her sexy body. In a calm manner, Chau replied,"This product met the market demand. I cannot control criticism from the media after all."

 Some audience found Chau evading Li's sensitive questions and being too superficial(太膚淺)to discuss intellectual issues with professors and university students.

 The "pseudo model phenomenon" has become one of the most controversial(有爭議性的)topics in Hong Kong. The term "pseudo model" refers to teenage models who have no formal training. They used to be called as "promo girls" in trade exhibitions and promotional activities. In July, several teenage models promoted their albums of sexy photographs at the 20th Hong Kong Book Fair and stole the focus of the exhibition. Although they were already relegated to an exclusive area during the fair for their promotional activities, masses of people protested against the pseudo models in Facebook saying that they should not be admitted to this literary event(文藝的活動). Pseudo models who gave away free ice-creams outside the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre were being criticized for conveying obscene(猥褻)and indecent(下流)messages(意識)to the society.

 Whether you like Chrissie Chau or not, watch these clips of the talk at YouTube and see if you can understand Professor Li's questions.



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