■Death of a Salesman的主旨是美國夢,說明這個夢是如何虛幻。資料圖片
余 功
今天介紹的D字首名著是一本劇作,主角是一位推銷員,主旨則是美國夢(the American Dream),說明這個夢是如何虛幻,因而有標題的一句對白:A salesman is got to dream, boy(一個推銷員需要去做夢啊,孩子)。各位可以猜到是哪本劇作吧?是Death of a Salesman(《推銷員之死》),作者是美國著名劇作家(playwright)亞瑟.米勒(Arthur Miller,1915-2005)。
劇名中的Salesman叫Willy Loman,60歲,當了35年銷售代表(travelling salesman,即現今的sales representative)。他的妻子叫Linda,二人有兩個兒子,大兒子叫Biff,小兒子叫Happy。劇情主要圍繞Willy和Biff兩父子如何追逐美國夢,而最後又如何失意。所謂the American dream,就是成功和名利,但究竟這些東西是否真的可令人快樂?
理想推銷員 各地廣結緣
為何Willy要做salesman?原來Willy年輕時遇到一個成功推銷員,他只需在房中打電話,便能在84歲高齡依然工作賺錢。Willy遂覺得:And when I saw that, I realized that selling was the greatest career a man could want. 'Cause what could be more satisfying than to be able to go, at the age of eighty-four, into twenty or thirty different cities, and pick up a phone, and be remembered and loved and helped by so many different people(我看見那情景,便領悟到推銷是男人的最理想職業。因為,活到84歲,還能去二三十個城市,拿起電話,就有那麼多三教九流的人記得你,喜愛你,幫助你,有甚麼比這更稱心呢)?
追逐美國夢 迎悲哀結局
為何劇名叫Death of a Salesman呢?Willy接下來的話便解釋了:Do you know? When he died - and by the way he died the death of a salesman, in his green velvet slippers in the smoker of the New York, New Haven and Hartford, going into Boston - when he died, hundreds of salesmen and buyers were at his funeral. Things were sad on a lotta trains for months after that(你知道嗎?他死去時--順便一提,他的死是推銷員之死--穿著綠色絨拖鞋,坐在從紐約經紐黑文和哈特福德開往波士頓的火車吸煙車廂裡。他死了以後,幾百個推銷員和買家都來參加他的喪禮。自此一連好幾個月,很多火車上都一片愁雲慘霧)。
那麼Willy最終又是如何死去的呢?There is the sound of a car starting and moving away at fullspeed(傳來汽車發動聲和全速開走聲)。