Lina CHU ■
9月將結束的時候還颳起大風,掛起8號風球。趁著風雨飄搖的時候,想一想與風有關的一些用語。其中一句很多時都會聽到的英文常用語是「see which way the wind blows」,看看風往哪裡吹。
看風駛巾里 略含貶義
這跟廣東話的「看風駛巾里」差不多,即是「看風轉舵」,但中文說人看風駛巾里略為負面,指某人搖擺不定,沒有堅定立場,隨時勢而改變。然而,英文see which way the wind blows的意思則比較中立,源於以前船隻在海上航行,知道風向很重要,所以see which way the wind blows只是說需要多了解情況,多搜集資料,然後才作決定。
We will wait and see which way the wind blows before we take actions.
He has not yet made a decision because he has to see which way the wind blows.
See which way the wind blows before you apply for a transfer to another department.
風向貓跳 難以預測
想比較生動活潑地表達類似的意思,可以用另一個有趣的口語化用語see which way the cat jumps,看看貓往哪裡跳。貓喜歡四處跳,行動多不能預測,看到牠跳才知牠往哪裡去。See which way the cat jumps意指靜觀其變,暫時不作決定,或不採取行動,直至看清形勢發展。
House prices fluctuate a lot these days. You should see which way the cat jumps before investing in the property market.
I'm sure nobody will commit themselves at this stage. They will see which way the cat jumps.
看清形勢、審時度勢並非壞事,但看風駛巾里卻不是好事。See which way the wind blows或see which way the cat jumps雖是較中肯的用語,但仍要留意背景脈絡及語調,決定是否有弦外之音。