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2012年6月8日 星期五
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社評雙語道:肉價有加無減 必須加強監察

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-06-08]     我要評論

■商販在豬肉批發價下降時,沒有同步調低零售價,對消費者不公平。 資料圖片




Closer monitoring is necessary as price of pork is always raised but never reduced

Research done by the Consumer Council found that the retail price of fresh pork had risen in the past 10 months despite the fact that the wholesale price had actually fallen. Retailers did not catch up and correspondingly lower their retail price of pork even when the wholesale price had gone down. Adjusting prices only upward but never downward is in fact a malpractice of trade. It is unfair to consumers and puts additional pressure on people's daily lives. In times of high inflation, there will not be just one isolated case for retailers not to mark down their retail price even when there is a drop in the source price. Such practice greatly affects the livelihood of the people, and the authorities have to investigate whether retailers have actually joined up to fix the price.

Since the end of January, the price of pork from the mainland has dropped consistently. Comparing the figure of 31 January, it can be seen that the pork price was in fact close to the level of the same period last year. Last October, the average wholesale price of live pigs plummeted by 7.2% month on month, but the average retail price of lean pork rose by 0.9% to the contrary. So, people have not really enjoyed the benefit brought by the drop in wholesale price. It is not a new phenomenon for pork price to rise fast but drop slow. In as early as 2008, there had been discussions in society on the issue of retail price of pork being constantly on a rise without falling. Many years have passed and the problem remains. The retailers act with one accord in raising the price, and the authorities must find out whether there exists a deed of joint price fixing.

Retailers see well the weakness of the people in not knowing much about the wholesale price of pork, so they just raise the price as much as they like. The authorities need to tackle the problem in the right way. The government may regularly publicize the wholesale prices of commodities crucial to the people and increase the transparency of the market so that the fluctuation of retail prices can be monitored more closely. The findings on price surveys done by the Consumer Council can be publicized more systematically, and not just on an ad hoc basis. Researches should also be done more frequently particularly in times of high inflation. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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