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2012年9月28日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-09-28]     我要評論

中西方文化交流系列:茗香傳友誼(四)Enjoy Your Tea and Friendship (4)

在「中國茶文化展」開幕式上的致辭 倫敦,2008年6月3日



 Although China is the home of tea, it is far from a world leader in terms of packaging, brand recognition and popularity of its tea, making it quite hard for Chinese tea to compete with British tea here in the UK. Only today a distinguished British friend was telling me that when he was in China in the 1980s, he had such a hard time finding the right tea. Here people are so used to taking tea with milk, but not in China. In the eyes of my grandma, milk only spoils Chinese tea.

 I am glad this exhibition will be a good opportunity for Chinese tea to meet with English Lipton and to learn how to promote its brands. And the British side could learn more about Chinese tea. I am sure new ideas can grow out of them working together.

 1 recognition noun 識別、認知、認同

 2 popularity noun 普及、流行

 3 spoil verb 糟蹋、變質


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