5月英國足球壇兩大盛事,大概是近代最著名領隊亞歷斯.費格遜爵士(Sir Alex Ferguson)和最著名球員大衛.碧咸(David Beckham)相繼宣布退休,而他們二人更是師徒關係。碧咸1992年以17稚齡亮相曼聯(Manchester United),當時費爵爺已掌管「紅魔鬼」(The Red Devils)。師父這樣看高徒的性格:He's a normal, likable, straightforward boy(他是個正常、可愛、率直的男孩),而在球場上:David impresses by his example on the field. He never stops running, he plays with supreme confidence, he always tries his hardest and he scores important goals(大衛在球場上樹立楷模,令人歎為觀止。他從沒停下不跑,他打球極有自信,他總是竭盡所能,而且他射門取得重要得分)。
那麼碧咸如何評價師父呢?其實有點搞笑,也不知算否真心讚美:Alex Ferguson is the best manager I've ever had at this level. Well, he's the only manager I've actually had at this level. But he's the best manager I've ever had(在這個級別上,亞歷斯.費格遜是我遇過的最佳領隊。嗯,其實在這個級別上,他是我遇過的唯一領隊。但他是我遇過的最佳領隊)。他「讚美」父母的話也十分可圈可點:My parents have been there for me, ever since I was about seven(我的父母一直支持著我,自我大約7歲便這樣)—但七歲之前呢?
7歲想當足球員 14歲想當模特兒
碧咸不單是國際知名球星,也是社交兼廣告界名人。他回顧小時候的話,很能預見他長大後的境況:When I was seven I wanted to be a footballer, but when I was 14, I wanted to be a model. Look where it's put me now(我7歲想當足球員,但我14歲則想當模特兒。看看這令我現在處於甚麼境況)!
活躍於名利場上,一大原因是跟辣妹(Spice Girls)合唱團的維多利亞(Victoria)拍拖結婚。他這樣描述維多利亞:I always used to go for blondes and quiet girls, but Victoria is the total opposite - dark and loud(我過去總是跟金髮而文靜的女孩約會,但維多利亞則完全相反—黑髮而吵鬧)。
碧咸的著名戰役有不少,而不得不提的是跟費格遜在更衣室內的一幕。他事後的評語簡潔有趣:I needed two stitches after Alex kicked the boot at me(亞歷斯把球鞋踢向我,我需要縫兩針)。他們倆真是有趣兼有料的一對歡喜冤家。 ■余 功