還有近日有報道指H7N9在港出現,呼籲市民小心。究竟是病菌強大了,還是人類的扺抗力弱了,這真可以說是雞與雞蛋的問題。而英文亦有chicken and egg(雞與雞蛋)這個短語。
用chicken and egg(雞與雞蛋)來形容兩件互相關聯的事,因為不知道或不能決定哪一件先發生,哪一件伴隨而來,哪一件是原因,哪一件是結果。請看例子:
It's really a chicken and egg situation. Football is a popular sport because there are many commercial sponsors or there are many commercial sponsors for football because it is a popular sport.
He has been appointed team manager because he has been working hard. It is not a chicken and egg problem. He works hard not because he is the manager.
因果難辨 惡性循環
在一些不能決定哪一件事是原因,哪一件事是結果的時候,可以說Which came first, the chicken or the egg? (哪一件先發生,是雞還是雞蛋?)
The company has attracted many investors and its business runs well. But which came first, the chicken or the egg? It's hard to tell.
公司吸引了很多投資,而生意亦做得不錯。真的不知道哪一件先發生,正如是雞還是雞蛋? 這真的難說。
The children do not like their music teacher. They say he is rude to them. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
不過,chicken and egg除了表示因果難辨之外,還有另一重意義。如果說一個問題是一種惡性循環,難以解決,也可以用chicken and egg來形容。
If people do not buy local productions, there will be a lack of financial support for local business to improve and this will lead to a further decline in customers. It's hard to solve the problem because it is a chicken and egg situation.
這樣的情況常常見到。因即是果,果即是因。雞先蛋先,惡性循環,打破困局很困難。■ Lina CHU
[ linachu88@netvigator.com ]