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2013年12月4日 星期三
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社評雙語道:加強電費審核 免增市民負擔

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-12-04]     我要評論

■中電採用電動旅遊巴士推動環保。 資料圖片



Tighten auditing of electricity tariff to relieve the public of increasing burden

According to reports, the interim review of the Scheme of Control Agreement between the government and the two power companies has just completed. It was decided that the permitted return of the two companies will remain at 9.99% in the next 5 years, and that the companies are required to provide financial assistance to encourage users to install energy-saving structures. Repeated upward adjustments of electricity tariff over the years have provoked widespread criticism in society. The government must strengthen its auditing efforts in order to prevent the power companies from "reaping profits to the utmost". It should be noted that under the conservation and emission reduction policy, the proportion of clean energy usage will increase, followed by a rise in the cost of fuel but a probable fall in the level of power consumption. This can give more grounds for the power companies to raise tariff substantially. In view of guaranteed profit, the government has to monitor the financial affairs of the power companies more closely. First, it should stringently control the scales of investments made by the two companies, and second make sure that the companies will not transfer all the increased cost onto the citizens. In future, the government should seriously consider opening the local power market to attract more competitors and to lower the level of electricity tariff.

Rise in electricity tariff is one of the issues people concern most. In 2011, China Light and Power (CLP) announced a tariff rise of 9.2%, a rate which far exceeded that of inflation. This provoked a public outcry and the then government in office made it clear that the increase was "unacceptable". In the end, under the pressure of the general public, CLP could not but reduce the rate of increase to 7.4%. Now that the government and the two power companies have completed the interim review of the Scheme of Control Agreement, the companies will soon submit their applications for tariff increase for the next year. As the gatekeeper, the government must tighten its control. While vetting the applications, the government should not just audit the costs of investments made by the two companies, but also consider the affordability of the citizens at large.(節自香港《文匯報》2013年11月21日)

■English Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]


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