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2015年6月17日 星期三
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社評雙語道:韓疫情惡化 港須從嚴防範


■香港國際機場的工作人員為入境旅客量度體溫。 資料圖片




面對「新沙士」挑戰,單憑政府及公共醫療系統顯然不足夠,全體市民都應該提高警覺,加入到全城抗疫的行動中。大家合力守穩抵禦疫症防線,就是最有效地保障個人的生命安全及社會福祉。(文匯報社評 3-6-2015)

編注:ヾ截至6月14日,確診病例為138宗, ゝ特區政府於9日對韓發出紅色旅遊警示,ゞ已出現第四代感染

Deadly MERS requires utmost caution

The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS) outbreak in South Korea continues to spread: two deaths have just been reported and confirmed cases have risen to 25. As the outbreak goes wild and the Hong Kong health authorities have urged for more transparency of information from Seoul, there is a need to stop citizens from traveling to the plagued country and the like to minimize the risk of infection and transmission.

Up to June 2, Korea had the third highest number of diagnoses, after Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. She has first seen tertiary infection by a secondary infectee, showing that any underestimation of MERS is risky.

At present, the authorities must keep screening tight at the customs and track health status of incoming visitors from South Korea to reduce the threat of imported cases.

It remains passive, as the deadly MERS looms, to rely solely on our government and the public healthcare system; the entire public should be vigilant and take part in the territory-wide effort to combat the virus. Let us all work out a solid defence line to safeguard lives and the well-being of the community.(3-6-2015)

Learning Point



分辨Outbreak, epidemic與pandemic不同之處,說出下列特徵屬epidemic或pandemic,或兩者皆是。

1. It is an infectious disease.

2. It occurs during a shorter period, and may disappear after a few weeks or a few months.

3. It affects only a particular area.

4. It has more cases than expected at a certain period of time.

5. It occurs over a wide geographic area like a continent or the whole world.

6. It affects a large proportion of the population around the world.


Outbreak: 1, 2, 3

Epidemic: 1, 2, 4

Pandemic: 1, 5, 6

■Translation and Learning Point by Tung-ming [tungming23@gmail.com]


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