The political reform is not looking good so far. It seemed like the Hong Kongers have no hope for the passage of the political reform package. Majority number of polls has shown that over 60% of Hong Kongers want the political reform bill pass.
The so called "Pan Democrats" are going against the consensus as they insist to veto the Universal Suffrage Proposal. Five million voters' hope seems to be come to nothing. The opposition lawmakers are definitely responsible for the failure of the political reform and they must pay for the political consequences.
Deputy Secretary-General of the NPC Standing Committee Li Fei reminded those who advocated to overthrow "8.31 decision". NPC Standing Committee has the constitutional right to make decision on any aspect in Hong Kong's constitutional development. "8.31 decision" is a very prudent decision and must be implemented.
人大常委會副秘書長李飛的講話提醒那些心存推翻「8.31決定」,重啟政改五步曲的泛民,不要再作無謂的幻想。 全國人大常委會對香港的政制發展,具有憲制決定權,更對基本法有解釋權,故此,「8.31決定」不僅具有不容挑戰的法律效力,兼且是一項十分審慎的決定,必須得到貫徹落實,且不存在還未實施就加以改變的可能性。筆者期望反對派議員回頭是岸,能顧全大局,認清形勢,正確認識中央立場及尊重市民意願,擺脫綑綁,投票通過政改方案。■陳威雄 青年民建聯副主席、民建聯財經及教育事務副發言人