全球多個國家都是以每年的5月1日為勞動節,這個「五一」大日子的簡稱叫"May Day"︰
"International Workers Day was started in Chicago in 1886 by a union demanding an eight-hour workday, and is now celebrated around the world."
"France labour law protests turn violent
Two dozen French police officers have been injured, three of them seriously, as violence flared in mass protests across the country against a hotly contested labour reform bill. Security forces in Paris responded with tear gas as masked youths threw bottles and cobblestones......"
Leader of the biggest student union, the UNEF, condemned the rioters but also denounced a "disproportionate use of force by the police". The clashes came as at least 170,000 workers and students took to streets nationwide on Thursday......
[One of the measures] was a proposed surtax on short-term contracts aimed at getting employers to hire more people on permanent contracts, Sirugue told reporters. Young people have been at the forefront of the protest movement, with many young workers stuck on short-term contracts or internships while hoping to secure a permanent job.
面對強化在職工人的草案,正在尋求工作的法國年輕人為了爭飯碗而反抗,可算是世代之爭。法國政府推出「優化」勞動法卻引起反對的暴力回應,在五一勞動節,暴力浪潮更傳到歐亞多國。真是May Day(國際勞動節)變了MayDay(國際緊急遇難求救訊號)。
1. 「警察和示威者之間的衝突」的英文是「clashes between police and protesters」。
2. 上街抗議是「take to the street」而不是「walk on stree」,後者指在街上行走; 另外示威遊行的英文包括「demonstrations, rally, march, parade」等等。
3. 而riot和rioter(s)的中文翻譯是「暴動」及「暴徒」。
4. 「Mayday」是取自法語「Venez m'aide」 (快來幫幫我)之中「m'aider」的後半部分的語音,那字是源於近百年前,英國機場擬定出簡單快速的國際緊急求救的共同語的結果。
5. 注意「justice」的相反詞是「injustice」,不是「unjustice」,字典沒有「unjustice」這個字,同時也可用「unfair」 或者「inequality」來道出不公平。語言是不可隨意胡亂創作的。■林健根 會計師