【原文】被視為中國今年最重要主場外交的G20峰會,9月3日下午在杭州開幕(kicks off)。國家主席習近平在致辭時表示,面對當前挑戰,二十國集團要為世界經濟繁榮穩定把握好大方向,推動(impetus)世界經濟增長。事實上,中國式的創新發展(Chinese innovation )理念,將在世界經濟的關鍵時期(junctures),貢獻智慧、引領潮流、指明方向、推動增長。
「中國方案」多 助全球復甦
本屆峰會在全球經濟復甦乏力的背景下舉行。雖然金融危機(financial crisis)已經過去8年,但其陰影依然籠罩世界經濟(cloud global economic outlook),伴隨今年英國脫歐(Brexit)、美國大選變局以及地緣政治等因素的干擾,全球經濟復甦依然緩慢。
同時,世界銀行、國際貨幣基金組織都分別將今明兩年全球經濟增長率下調。在這種背景下(gloomy circumstances),佔全球GDP達九成的20國集團的本次峰會,可謂承載了全球的期待。20國雖然國情不同、發展階段不同、面臨的現實挑戰不同,但各國推動經濟增長(prosperity)的願望相同、應對危機挑戰的利益相同、實現共同發展的憧憬相同。
中國經過30多年的改革開放(economic reform),佔全球GDP的份額從30年前的2%上升到目前的15%。雖然近年經濟增速略有放緩,但並不影響中國經濟在全球的分量和影響力。更為重要的是,中國政府近年推出的政策,如供給側改革、大眾創業萬眾創新、「一帶一路」戰略("Belt and Road" initiative)、亞投行等等,令「中國方案」(Chinese Solution)逐漸成形,正好通過本次G20峰會與各國分享。
習近平:做行動隊 非清談館
從1999年創立(inception)至今,G20的機制主要注重制定綱領、應對危機(crisis management)。不過面對世界經濟復甦長期乏力的現狀,G20原有的短期政策應對機制收效甚微,往屆峰會通過的眾多宣言、計劃、倡議等等大多未能有效地執行(executed),峰會往往熱鬧過後歸於平靜。因此,習近平提出讓20國集團「成為行動隊,而不是清談館(talk shop)」,並提出系列「中國方案」,這將有助於G20機制實現理念上的轉變,對於全球經濟治理起到穩定器的作用。目前的關鍵是其他的國家也需要一起來與中國研究探討如何深化合作、謀求共贏之道。
在這樣的大背景下,本港作為國際商業中心,背靠祖國、面向世界,更將繼續迎來日益龐大的發展機遇(opportunities)。 (標題及小標題為編輯所加) (摘錄自文匯報社評5-9-2016)
G20 summit highlight: China to steer world economy
【譯文】G20 summit, widely regarded as the most important diplomatic event China hosts this year, kicks off in Hangzhou on September 3. On the opening ceremony, Chinese President Xi Jinping says the Group of Twenty should bring fresh impetus and chart future course for global economic growth in order to cope with the challenges ahead. In fact, Chinese innovation could contribute its wisdom, set a new direction and drive the world economy forwards during critical economic junctures.
"Chinese solution" solves global problems
Summit meetings are held amid weak economic recovery around the globe. Although eight years have passed since the 2008 financial crisis, uncertainty continues to cloud global economic outlook. Brexit, unpredictability of the US Presidential Election and tensions over regional hot-spots all negatively impact the already-sluggish recovery.
Meanwhile, both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are set to cut global growth forecast this year and next respectively. Gathering under such gloomy circumstances, G20 leaders, whose countries contribute 90% of the world's GDP, carry with high hopes from the international community. Each member of G20 might be facing different challenges respective to their own political and economic environment, but the dream for prosperity and international cooperation is shared by all.
With the economic reforms being underway for more than 30 years, China's contribution to the global GDP has gone up from two per cent to 15 per cent. Even though China has been experiencing a mild economic slowdown lately, its influence on the global economy is still unscathed. More importantly, the "Chinese Solution" begins to take shape following the announcement of policies such as the "supply-side reform", the innovation focus in the 13th five-year plan, the "Belt and Road" initiative and the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. China could seize the opportunity and share her solutions to other participating countries.
Xi: be action teams, not talk shop
Since its inception in 1999, G20 has been focusing on setting action agendas and crisis management. Yet, short-term policy making has little effect on driving world markets that have been in a slowdown for nearly a decade. Declarations and plans from past G20 summits are scarcely executed effectively. Xi's call for "turning G20 into action teams instead of talk shop" and his proposals for the "Chinese solutions" should complement the G20 mechanism, and thus help stabilising economies around the globe. The key factor to Xi's proposition would be the active engagement of other countries.
To secure the place as a major financial hub and gateway to China, Hong Kong must seize the growing opportunities that arise from Xi's initiatives.■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]
1. Brexit
2. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
3. sluggish
4. impetus
5. hub
6. "Belt and Road" initiative
7. juncture
8. outlook
9. inception
10. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
1. 英國脫歐
2. 亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(亞投行)
3. 緩慢/疲軟
4. 推動力
5. 中心/樞紐
6. 「一帶一路」
7. 連接點/關頭
8. 前景
9. 開始/創立
10. 國際貨幣基金組織