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【騎呢遊學團】名利最終歸塵土 生命傳承才有價

■占基利縱使是荷里活巨星,仍不時抽空出席大學演講,激勵年輕人。 資料圖片■占基利縱使是荷里活巨星,仍不時抽空出席大學演講,激勵年輕人。 資料圖片

占基利(Jim Carrey)是極少數的荷里活巨星,願意花時間激勵(motivate)和啟發(inspire)年輕人。2014年,占基利出席美國Maharishi University of Management演講(speech)時,向台下大學生發問:你的夢想是什麼?你想怎樣貢獻世界?你能怎樣發揮你的才華?

(What's your dream?How will you serve the world?What do they need that your talent can provide?)

金石良言 激勵學子

他認為我們不需要花時間去擔心「失敗了會怎樣?」只需想好以上的問題即可以了。(He reckons that we do not need to waste time thinking about what would happen if we lose, we should just figure out the aforementioned questions.)。


(Everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart. My choosing to free people from concern got me to the top of a mountain. Look where I am - look what I get to do! Everywhere I go - and I'm going to get emotional because when I tap into this, it really is extraordinary to me - I did something that makes people present their best selves to me wherever I go.)

生命影響生命 別吝嗇分享


(Everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.)人生走到最後,無論金錢、名利都帶不入棺材,只有生命影響生命,才是最有價值的「貨幣」。

(The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.)。


(It does take one's courage to do it but if we choose not to do it, we may risk even more!)■岑皓軒 騎呢領隊

作者簡介:畢業於英國Imperial College London,著有親子育兒書《辣媽潮爸哈哈B》及與馬漪楠合著暢銷書《Slang:屎爛英語1&2》等。


