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2009年6月30日 星期二
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Work begins on world's deepest underground lab

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-06-30]     我要評論

 Far below the Black Hills of South Dakota, crews are building the world's deepest underground science lab at a depth equivalent to more than six Empire State buildings - a place uniquely suited to scientists' quest for mysterious particles known as dark matter.

 Scientists, politicians and other officials gathered for a groundbreaking of sorts at a lab 1,500 meters below the surface of an old gold mine that was once the site of Nobel Prize-winning physics research.

 The old Homestake Gold Mine in a community called Lead (pronounced LEED) was shut down in 2001 after 125 years. Pumps that kept the mine dry were turned off years ago, so workers have been drying it out to prepare for the new research.

 The lab at 1,500 meters is not much to look at yet. A rusty orange film covers the walls, floors, ceilings and debris left behind by miners. Before the labs are built, crews must also stabilize the tunnels and install new infrastructure.

 The first dark matter experiment will be the Large Underground Xenon detector experiment - or LUX - a project to detect weakly interacting particles that could give scientists greater insight into the Big Bang explosion believed to have formed the universe.

 Physicists have said that without dark matter, galaxies might never have formed. By learning more about dark matter, they hope to understand better whether the universe is expanding or contracting.

 Scientists hope to start construction on the two deepest labs by 2012 and open them by 2016. The projects are expected to cost $550 million.■AP

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