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2011年6月17日 星期五
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社評雙語道:分拆教材只治標 政府編製方治本

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-06-17]     我要評論





De-bundling teaching materials is only a relief; government publication is the cure

 De-bundling teaching materials has arisen as an issue for more than two years and yet no resolution has been reached. At the end of last month, the Secretary for Education Michael Suen sent an ultimatum to textbook publishers demanding them to fully comply with the de-bundling measure in the coming year. If the publishers are to further delay the implementation of de-bundling, the government will introduce a tendering system in which bringing in competitors like university presses will be considered. In fact, if the monopoly on textbooks enjoyed by these publishers remains unchanged, even when the teaching materials are fully de-bundled, it is unlikely that the publishers will substantially lower the prices of textbooks. The authorities should learn from the experience of other countries or regions and consider the possibility of the Education Bureau producing teaching materials by itself. The advantages are that the government, having abundant human and material resources, will not possibly encounter much difficulty in producing materials, and that the Bureau can sell the materials to students at a lower price to ease the financial burden of underprivileged families on buying textbooks. The authorities should use the year ahead to make active preparations instead of messing around with the publishers.

 According to data, the prices of textbooks for primary and secondary education have been rising every year since 2004. An aggregate increase of 24% per annum has been recorded for these past seven years whereas the inflation rate for the same period was only 8%. This shows that textbook publishers care about only making money but not their social responsibility. The de-bundling measure introduced by the government should have been enforced last year but the publishers postponed the implementation to September this year on the pretext of having to resolve problems like copyright. Now, they have further suggested that the de-bundling should be carried out in a period of three years. This is in essence a delaying tactic.

 Textbooks are a necessity for students; textbook production and pricing should not be decided solely by market mechanism. In a number of countries and regions, like the mainland and Singapore, the production of textbooks is handled by the government. This ensures that textbooks are in compliance with quality requirements and prevents textbooks from becoming a market commodity manipulated by businessmen. The Education Bureau has many years of experience in textbook assessment and it also has in its jurisdiction a strong team of teachers working in government schools as well as rich resources of teaching materials. The bureau has in no doubt the ability to produce its own teaching materials; therefore the authorities should seriously study this option and make preparations in advance.  ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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