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2012年4月13日 星期五
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社評雙語道:設基金研徵費 紓解氣價壓力

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-04-13]     我要評論




Set up stabilization fund and introduce LPG surcharge to relieve pressure caused by LPG price rises

Pushed by the persistent rise in international oil price, auto-LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) price in Hong Kong has repeatedly climbed to historical records in recent months, putting extra pressure on the operation of the taxi drivers. Sixteen taxi groups in the New Territories urge the government to study the introduction of a LPG surcharge pegging gas price with taxi fare. The groups suggest a HK$1 surcharge be added to the fare when the gas price rises to between HK$5 and HK$5.99 per litre. In fact, to relieve the pressure caused by rises in LPG price, the authorities may consider using the practice adopted by China Light and Power and set up an LPG price stabilization fund. Land proceeds from granting LPG filling station rights and part of the taxi license fees can be injected into the fund, which can be used for making subsidies to offset the increase in retail price of gas when the price of LPG rises.

However, a slow action cannot save a critical situation. The authorities should also consider the introduction of a LPG surcharge which is dependent on the rate of increase in LPG price. This can help solve the immediate problem as it offsets the operating cost of the drivers. At the same time, the impact on people's daily life will be lessened because there will not be a uniform raise in taxi fare. Contrary to an increase in fare, a surcharge can be adjusted flexibly according to fluctuations of the oil price. The surcharge will be cancelled when the oil price drops, and thus it causes a smaller effect on the passengers. It is a fairer arrangement than a uniform raise of fare and will be less controversial. Besides, a raise in taxi fare will in the end benefit, not the drivers, but taxi owners who can raise the rental fee accordingly. Taxi owners, however, cannot use the upward or downward adjustable LPG surcharge as a pretext to raise the rental fee and this ensures that the benefits will really go to the pockets of the drivers. Introducing a surcharge is therefore a comparatively feasible and fair solution; the authorities should study it more carefully.  ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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