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2012年3月23日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-03-23]     我要評論

■獅隧火警後一度實施單管雙程行車,令上班時間交通繁忙。 資料圖片



Fire precaution and Safety in Lion Rock Tunnel should be reviewed

On 8 March, a fire which broke out inside the Lion Rock Tunnel near dawn due to pipeline repair works had almost paralyzed the traffic during rush hours in the morning. In Hong Kong there are a number of tunnels which serve the important purpose of absorbing the traffic flow. The fire in the Lion Rock Tunnel is a reminder about the great emphasis that must be placed on fire precautions inside tunnels. Fire hazards inside tunnels must be eliminated promptly; repair works have to be carried out with special care and the safety of operation should be given particular attention. The relevant authorities must review the incident comprehensively and sum up the experience to make it a lesson for other tunnel operators. At the same time, the authorities should consider encouraging people to make more use of other tunnels, and should also speed up the construction of the Shatin to Central Link in order to divert some of the heavy traffic from the Lion Rock Tunnel and to bring more convenient transportation to the people.

As sub-urban towns like Shatin and Tai Wai are packed with public and private housing estates, the flow of traffic through the Lion Rock Tunnel has already reached a saturation point. Despite the fact that the Shing Mun Tunnel, Tate's Cairn Tunnel, Eagle's Nest Tunnel of the Tsing Sha Highway and the Sha Tin Heights Tunnel have been put into service one after another, the Lion Rock Tunnel remains the busiest main route linking the New Territories and Kowloon because of the convenient points of connection and its relatively low toll charges. In case a traffic jam occurs as a result of an accident in the Lion Rock Tunnel, transportation in the areas around Shatin and Tai Wai to and from urban areas of Kowloon will be paralyzed, causing much inconvenience to the people. To reduce reliance on the Lion Rock Tunnel and to avoid frequent traffic jams, the authorities should actively consider different ways including toll adjustment to divert vehicle traffic and to encourage people to make use of other tunnels. In addition, the authorities should speed up the construction of the Shatin to Central Link as mass transit carries the largest quantity of passengers and is the fastest mode of transport. The rail link will benefit the general public as well as effectively alleviate the problem of overloading the Lion Rock Tunnel. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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