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2012年4月27日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-04-27]     我要評論


But字起句 解作「但是」

 4月18日《紐約時報》(The New York Times)一篇討論全球暖化的報道說:

 A large majority of climate scientists say the climate is shifting in ways that could cause serious impacts, and they cite the human release of greenhouse gases as a principal cause. But a tiny, vocal minority of researchers contests that view.


Yet字起句 意為「不過」

 二月《經濟學人》(The Economist)討論近年阿拉伯反政府浪潮的成因時說:

 No single issue fueled the wave of social unrest and political reform that swept the Arab world over the past year. Frustration with political repression and human rights abuses was clearly important. Yet economic malaise also played a significant role.


兩字開頭 句子「殘缺」


1. 「He grew up in the United States, but he can speak fluent Cantonese.」(他在美國長大,但他能說流利的廣東話。) 

2. 「She is a doctor, yet she smokes a lot.」(她是醫生,卻常常抽煙。)

 因此,有些人認為,but和yet必須置於兩個子句之間;若句子用這些連接詞開頭 (如:「But he can speak fluent Cantonese.」;「Yet she smokes a lot.」),就犯上「句子殘缺」(sentence fragment)的錯誤。

 具感染力 不算出錯

 不過,現在愈來愈多人接受以but或yet代替however、nevertheless這類副詞(adverb)。例如上述的「Yet economic malaise also played a significant role.」意思相等於「However, economic malaise also played a significant role.」


 順帶一提,however(解作「然而」時)和nevertheless卻不可以反過來當連接詞。「He grew up in the United States. However, he can speak fluent Cantonese.」不能夠寫成「He grew up in the United States, however he can speak fluent Cantonese.」 ■葉劉淑儀 新民黨主席

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