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2012年4月27日 星期五
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社評雙語道:撥地建私院 港人應優先使用

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-04-27]     我要評論

■位於黃竹坑的私家醫院用地面積約為27,500平方米,多個醫療集團已明確表示有興趣入標。 資料圖片



Give priority of use to Hong Kong people while allotting land for private hospitals

The government put two pieces of land in Wong Chuk Hang and Tai Po on tender for bidding by the medical industry on 13 April. The sites will be used for the construction of private hospitals, and the tender document clearly specifies that the hospitals must fulfill certain service requirements including the provision of at least half of their beds for use by local residents. Hong Kong currently faces the problem of local pregnant women being deprived of hospital services by "double not" pregnant women from the mainland. At the same time, there is also mounting pressure of insufficient medical service for local residents. Augmented by the need to develop the medical industry, the construction of more private hospitals is inevitable. This time, the government has departed from its established practice and invited tenders for the construction of hospitals subject to requirements. It is a measure which rightly meets the needs of society. However, the government must watch closely to make sure that the newly built private hospitals will not charge exorbitantly high fees and that the people of Hong Kong can really be benefited.

Besides getting the right of abode for their children, another factor which lures pregnant women from the mainland to come to Hong Kong in large numbers to give birth to their children is the international standard of medical service in Hong Kong. The medical technology here in Hong Kong is very advanced. Not only this, but also the medical staff is professional and responsible, and the local complaint mechanism is sound. In preparing the invitation for tenders, the government has already taken into consideration the fact that many patients from the mainland and overseas will come to Hong Kong for different treatments. Therefore, the government has laid down specifications requiring 50% of the hospital beds be made available to local residents and no more than 20% of hospital beds be used for obstetrics. These requirements encourage the diversified development of the medical industry and prevent private hospitals from inclining towards the business of obstetrics services. In fact, the scope of development of the medical industry in Hong Kong is still very large. As the medical industry is one of the six priority industries, the allotment of land by the government for the construction of private hospitals is a practical way to boost the growth of the industry. In addition, the government is in the right direction by making requirements in service provision a key element in tender assessment. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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