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2012年4月20日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-04-20]     我要評論

■昂坪360纜車公司管理層應全面檢討纜車的管理模式。 資料圖片




The management of Ngong Ping 360 requires further review

After suspension of service for more than two months, Ngong Ping 360 cable car reopened on 5 April and the first day of reopening was in satisfactory order. However, the ropeway service was suspended for a short time due to a rainstorm and some passengers were stranded on the peak. This reveals that the capability of the company to divert passenger traffic in the event of a contingency remains inadequate, and that problems still exist within the management system. Ngong Ping 360 has already undergone a review of its operation, but whether it can handle greater challenges ahead is yet to be seen. The short disruption of service in this occasion reminds the government and its management that there is a need for a thorough examination of the style of management to root out the problems and to prevent the same from happening again.

Earlier, Ngong Ping 360 publicized an investigation report on the incident that occurred on the third day of the Chinese New Year. The report makes a number of recommendations including the enhancement of incident handling measures and making decisions to stop boarding as early as possible. Others also include installing live broadcast in cabins and supplying emergency hotline support; providing emergency packs, blankets and warm pads inside cabins, and setting up guest care points at terminals. While these recommendations were still ringing in our ears, problems occurred as before. The live broadcast could not ensure that passengers obtained information on shuttle transport, which led to misunderstanding. The low frequency of shuttle bus service also caused some passengers to be stranded on the peak.

Disruption of service due to bad weather is understandable. However, if problems occur in other areas such as diversion of passenger traffic, maintenance of order, real-time communications and temporary staffing, it only reflects that the standard of management needs to be improved. If the management team neglects the need to improve its style of management, no one can assure that the same problem will not happen again. The short disruption of service due to the rainstorm shows that the review of operation done earlier was not comprehensive. The management had not completely assessed every aspect of its service that may be affected, and had not made adequate contingent plans in advance. This was why passengers kept stranded on the peak in this occasion and why the problem did not go away. ■Translation by 東明



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