從小老師已教導我們如何自我介紹,以認識同學、朋友,甚至準備日後的升學或求職面試。除了自己的名字外,年齡也是當中經常提及的個人資料之一。可是筆者教學多年,只聽見學生用 「I'm ... years old」,千篇一律,乏善可陳。其實,無論在會話或書寫時,根據不同的情況,可以使用不同的表達或句型以表達年齡。
非公式會話 可直用數字
在非公式的環境下,特別是會話時,談及年齡,可簡單直接用數字作表示便可,例如:「Mary is 54 and Ken is 51.」
有時候,歲數更可放到介詞「at」或「of」之後,例如「She started study at 5」及「Peter has a girl of 12 and a boy of 8」。香港樂壇也有一對女子組合以她們出道時兩人平均的年齡作名稱:「At 17」。最近網上流傳了一個share post(刊登分享),反映了大部分人在成長的各個階段對母親的看待,或許你會找到共鳴:
At 6 years old "Mommy, I love you."
At 10 years old "Mom, whatever."
At 16 "My Mom is so annoying."
At 18 "I wanna leave this house."
At 25 "Mom, you were right."
At 30 "I wanna go to Mom's house."
At 50 "I don't wanna lose my Mom."
At 70 "I would give up everything for my Mom to be here with me."
3字連接 可作形容詞
在公文或書面用詞上,除了「... years old(例如:He is 18 years old)外。其實可用「... years of age」,例如:「Citizens above eighteen years of age are eligible.(18歲以上的公民都合乎資格)」另外,運用連字號(hyphen)連接年齡、「year」及「old」3字更可把年齡作形容詞使用,放在描述對象前,如 「Jessica is a 3-year-old girl.」或加上「s」作名詞用,如「Alcoholic drinks are sold to 18-year-olds or above only.(酒精飲品只會售予18歲以上人士)」。若把「aged」一詞加上年齡放在人物後更可作形容詞用,例如:「It costs $3.5 only for people aged 65 or above.(65歲以上人士只需$3.5)」
1. When Bruce was in his teens, he has been starting to learn Chinese Kung Fu.(Bruce在束髮之齡時,已經開始習武。)
2. Sally in her twenties was an excellent and well-known actress.(Sally在花信年華時,是一個出色及知名的女演員。)
3. I have never travelled until my thirties.(我在而立之年才開始旅遊。)
1. His father was addicted to drugs in his early forties.(他父親在40出頭時染上毒癮。)
2. You know you're in your mid thirties and should know your own mind by now.(須知道你已經30多歲了,你應該要知道自己的想法了。)
3. Women tend to win their Oscars in their late twenties, men in their early forties.(在奧斯卡中,女演員多在她們20多歲末取得獎項,而男演員則大概在他們的40出頭奪獎。)
由此可見,無論在形容別人或作自我介紹時,談及年齡皆可千變萬化,根據不同的場合、句型及語法作出不同的搭配,令表達更靈活、更生動。 ■香港專業進修學校語言傳意學部講師 吳恩卓、張燕珠