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2013年1月25日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-01-25]     我要評論






Is China a Power? (14)

We are half way through the reform programme and our society is still in a process of constant changes. Just as you can see new buildings in Beijing every year, you will also find new development of China掇 democracy every year. The general direction is towards greater openness, transparency and accountability.

On the international front, the role China wants to play is to encourage dialogue and cooperation. We do not believe in imposing our own will on others, or interfering in other countries* internal affairs.

We see our role in the world as contributing to peace. China's interest has never been so closely linked with the world and vice versa. The financial crisis drove home the fact that we are sharing one boat. As the Chinese President said at the G20 London Summit, only by working together, can we steer the boat to our desired destination.

1 reform adj. 變革的

2 openness n. 公開

3 dialogue n. 對話

4 internal affair n. 內政

5 financial crisis n. 金融危機

6 destination n. 目的地

書本簡介:傅瑩,現任中國外交部副部長,2003年至2009年間,先後任中國駐澳洲和英國大使,在西方被認為是有巨大影響力的外交官之一。本書是她擔任駐兩國大使期間所作的重要演講,聽眾均是西方政商學界的有影響力人士,內容圍繞如何了解當代中國、中國是一個甚麼樣的國家、金融危機下的中國與西方的關係等。 ■資料提供:中華書局

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