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2013年4月17日 星期三
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

社評雙語道:加強邊境測試 搞好雞檔衛生

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-04-17]     我要評論

■圖為湖北養殖戶為防止爆發禽流感H7N9,正加緊消毒。 資料圖片




Step up border checks and ensure hygiene of poultry stalls

The Health Bureau of Zhejiang Province reported on 3 April two confirmed cases of human infection of H7N9 bird flu, of which one person died. Up to that date, together with those reported in Shanghai, Anhui and Jiangsu, the occurrence of H7N9 infection increased to 9 cases in the mainland. There is a considerable geographical distance between Hong Kong and eastern China, and most of the live poultry imported into Hong Kong come from the Guangdong Province. Therefore, the possibility of an H7N9 pandemic in Hong Kong should not be high. However, as birds are possible hosts of H7N9, the government must step up its effort in solving the technical problems of H7N9 checks at the borders, and at the same time, raise the sanitation consciousness among the poultry stall owners to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene in local wet markets so that the occurrence of a pandemic can be prevented.

Hong Kong witnessed an H5N1 bird flu outbreak in 1997. Then the Hong Kong government promptly rolled out large scale education and sanitation campaigns throughout the territory to prevent the disease from spreading any further. Poultry stall owners were required to clean their stalls with sterilizer every day. Sixteen years has gone but the hygienic level of individual wet markets can yet improve. The government needs to raise the awareness of infection prevention among the general public as well as the poultry stall owners, making sure that the local wet markets are clean and the chance of bird flu spreading to the community is low.

Bird flu has become an endemic disease in Hong Kong and on the mainland. In recent years, quite some cases of bird flu virus found on dead birds have been reported in Hong Kong.At this stage, the World Health Organization has not issued any travel warning on any region. In the face of an H7N9 hazard, citizens must strengthen their precautionary measures without panicking unduly. When travelling abroad, care should be taken to protect personal health and not to make contact with wild birds or wild animals.(節自香港《文匯報》2013年4月4日)  ■Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]

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