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2013年3月27日 星期三
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社評雙語道:規範旅保宣傳 保障旅客權益

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-03-27]     我要評論

■浮潛等高危活動受港人歡迎,但是否受到旅遊保險的保障呢? 資料圖片




Monitor travel insurance advertisements to protect the interests of travelers

In the press conference on 12 March, families of the victims in the Egypt hot balloon tragedy accused insurance companies of refusing to make compensations on the grounds that hot balloon journey was an 浾ir activity* not covered in the insurance plan despite the fact that the itinerary had clearly stated that the hot balloon journey included breakfast and insurance. The authorities ought to make investigations into why there is a discrepancy between the travel agency掇 itinerary and the actual insurance coverage in order to prevent travel agencies from cheating travelers. Furthermore, both the text of travel insurance advertisements and tours with high risk activities dispatched from Hong Kong should be regulated. Travelers should also read the details of their insurance policies carefully before departure to protect their own interests.

In recent years, a number of high risk tourist activities, such as snorkeling, skiing and white water rafting, have mushroomed in various parts of the world. These activities are very popular among Hong Kong people and so have become key promotion items of many travel agencies to attract customers. These high risk activities can often bring substantial rebate to tour guides. However, tactics used by travel agencies in promoting these high risk activities have not been monitored properly and there exists a lack of standardization. This may often hurt the interests of the travelers.

Quite some travel agencies stress that they have already purchased travel insurance for their customers before departure in order to boost the chance of successful tours. Nevertheless, the insured amount and insurance coverage are not explained to the customers in details. Only after an accident has occurred would the travelers discover that many items are not covered under the policies. The authorities must investigate whether there is untruthful advertising by travel agencies and at the same time the content and advertisements of travel insurance products should be standardized to prohibit travel agencies from luring customers with cheap insurance package.(節自香港《文匯報》2013年3月13日) ■Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]

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