「美國波士頓前日的年度馬拉松賽事發生連環爆炸」:「美國波士頓」是Boston, US;「前日」是two days ago;「年度」是annual;「馬拉松」是marathon;「賽事」是event;「連環爆炸」其實只有兩次,叫dual explosions便可,當中的dual解作「兩次的」。
「造成最少3人死亡,包括一名8歲男童,另逾176人受傷」:「造成」是cause,「8歲男童」是an eight-year-old boy。
「恐襲」terror attack
「這是『911』恐襲後美國最大襲擊案」:「911」的英文多寫作9/11,即多了斜線號(slash);「恐襲」是terror attack或terrorist attack;「襲擊案」就是attack,「案」不用特別用英文說。
「各地隨即加強保安」:「各地」可說all over the country;「隨即」是immediately;「加強保安」慣常叫tighten security,這兒用被動語態較好。
「恐怖行為」act of terror
「聯邦調查局(FBI)將爆炸案列作恐怖行為調查」:「聯邦調查局(FBI)」的英文全名是Federal Bureau of Investigation;「列作」是classify;「恐怖行為」是act of terror;「調查」這兒不用再說,因為FBI的名稱已含有這個意思。
「但未清楚是外國還是本土襲擊者發動」:「未清楚」是not clear yet;「外國」的形容詞是foreign;「本土」的形容詞是domestic;「發動」可考慮用名詞origin(源頭)表達,應會更地道。
因此全段可英譯如下:Dual explosions occurred at the annual marathon event in Boston, US, two days ago, causing at least three deaths, including an eight-year-old boy, and more than 176 people injured. This is the largest attack in the US since the 9/11 terror attack, and security was tightened immediately all over the country. The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI)has classified the explosions as an act of terror, but it is not clear yet if the attack is of foreign or domestic origin. ■MT Ness
1. 慘劇中一些受害人須截肢。「截肢」的動詞是amp_____。
2. 「肢」指手或腳,英文是___b。
3. 全美國下半旗致哀。「下半旗致哀」叫half m___。
1. amputate,
2. limb,
3. half mast。