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2013年5月8日 星期三
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-05-08]     我要評論





Tighten control over kindergarten charges

The Audit Commission published on 17 April a report which revealed that now the miscellaneous fee for an average kindergarten child can be as high as HKD3,000 per year. The Pre-primary Education Voucher scheme is a crucial transition towards 15 years of free education; however, some kindergartens have taken advantage of the regulatory loopholes in the scheme and excessively charged various kinds of miscellaneous fees. This violates the requirements laid down by the authorities, increases the burden of the parents, and suffocates the development of pre-primary education. To make way for the introduction of 15 years of free education, the authorities should examine the loopholes in the voucher scheme and strengthen punitive measures to rectify the trend of kindergartens charging excessive fees.

The authorities require that kindergartens may collect a profit of only 15% from miscellaneous fees. However, as disclosed by the Audit Commission report, parents who have joined the voucher scheme for school fee subsidy still need to pay various kinds of miscellaneous fees for air conditioning, school bags, stationery and the like. Certain kindergartens recorded an income of over HKD1 million from miscellaneous fees; and some kindergartens had incomes from miscellaneous fees equivalent to 24% to 44% of their incomes from school fees. This is obviously a violation of government requirements. At present, kindergartens need only to list school fees and lunch charges in their kindergarten profiles. Sixty percent of the kindergartens interviewed did not disclose charges for miscellaneous fees. Some kindergartens had even put income from miscellaneous fees under 缹ther operating income* to bypass the profit limit requirement and so had evaded investigation from the authorities.

In the long term, to solve the problem from the root, kindergartens should be fully subsidized by the government and free education should be extended to 15 years to include kindergarten education. The Education Bureau has already set up in early April a 毧ommittee on Free Kindergarten Education* which is to study the implementation of free pre-primary education. The authorities should try to gain a better understanding of the actual operation of kindergartens and learn from the experience of the voucher scheme regulations in order to be adequately prepared for the implementation of the 15-year free education. (節自香港《文匯報》4月18日) ■Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]

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