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2013年6月5日 星期三
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社評雙語道:監控禽豬疫情 嚴防隱形患者

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-06-05]     我要評論

■最近有研究指,H7N9有人傳人的潛在危險。 資料圖片



Monitor avian swine flu epidemic and stringently guard against invisible patient

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention jointly published on 24 May the result of a collaborative research on H7N9 avian flu. The research has found that H7N9 virus can be transmitted between mammals and there is the potential risk of human-to-human transmission. This is the first time a research has proved that H7N9 can be transmitted between human beings through close contact and that there may not be any visible signs of infection on the affected person. This means that there is an increasing risk of an outbreak in the community, and so the difficulty in preventing an H7N9 epidemic cannot be underestimated. The authorities should step up health checks at immigration points and maintain an effective health declaration and tracking system to ensure infected persons are identified as soon as possible and quarantined immediately. The research has also found that pigs can also be infected by H7N9 virus. Infection control should therefore aim at tackling both avian flu and swine flu at the same time in order to guard against a viral genetic change and mutation which may pose an even greater threat to human beings.

No new cases of H7N9 infection had been reported on the mainland in the past two weeks, showing signs that the epidemic had eased up. Also, none of the suspected cases in Hong Kong had been confirmed positive. In spite of these, there have been confirmed and suspected cases of H7N9 infection in chicken samples from Guangzhou and Dongguan wet markets, which suggests an increasing risk of human infection of the H7N9 virus in the Guangdong Province and sporadic cases may occur any time. In view of the possible existence of invisible patients, the authorities should step up temperature screening at the immigration points to timely identify and follow up on the suspected cases. At this stage, it is possible that the second wave of avian flu outbreak will occur in between autumn and winter this year when the weather turns cold and the migrating birds travel southward. There is a chance that the virus incubates in chicken farms or pig farms and eventually causes new cases of human infection. To take early precautions, the authorities have to strengthen their tracking and research efforts.(節自香港《文匯報》2013年5月23日) ■Translation by Tung-ming [tungming23@gmail.com]

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