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2013年7月10日 星期三
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-07-10]     我要評論

■有指打鼓嶺垃圾堆填區將「命不久矣」。 資料圖片



Burden of waste treatment must be shared by the entire community

On 26 June, the Hong Kong government sought approval from the Public Works Subcommittee of the Legislative Council to request appropriation for extension plans of three landfills in the territory. Among these plans for landfill extension, the Tseung Kwan O Landfill plan was temporarily withdrawn due to insufficient supporting votes, and for other two, namely, Ta Kwu Ling Landfill and the Tuen Mun Landfill plans, voting was deferred as there was not enough time for discussion. In fact, the landfills are on the brink of reaching their maximum capacities. Nevertheless, marred by the reality of electoral politics, extension of the landfills has met with obstacles, which clearly demonstrates that the rise of populism has made public administration more and more difficult. Properly handling waste disposal is a responsibility that must be shared by the entire community of Hong Kong. The government has to have the determination to accomplish the planning and implementation of waste reduction and recovery, while the general public should maintain a higher awareness of environmental protection and reduce wastage. If not, Hong Kong would end up being a 烞tinking harbour*.

Expanding the three landfills at the same time is a necessary strategic step and will be a manifestation of a collective step taken by the entire community to share the waste problem in Hong Kong. If any one of the plans is dropped, the burden on the other landfills will certainly be increased. Waste generation per capita in Hong Kong is shockingly great, reaching 1.36 kilogram of waste per person per day, a level which is 1.5 times of the levels in Japan and Korea, and rated the highest in the world. Hong Kong has been relying on landfills in dealing with waste disposal. Due to the failure of the authorities to implement the waste treatment plan that has been formulated, waste management in Hong Kong has lagged behind for more than 10 years. The Hong Kong: Blueprint for Sustainable Use of Resources 2013-2022 issued by the Environment Bureau has detailed the road map for waste management in the coming 10 years in Hong Kong with clearly defined indices and timetable. The government as well as the citizens should look into the acuteness of the local waste problem seriously. It is time the government and the people made up their minds and joined hands to implement waste management initiatives and to reverse the situation that Hong Kong is falling behind with the awareness of environmental protection. Only in this way can the catastrophic consequences of waste problem be prevented in Hong Kong.(節自香港文匯報2013年6月27日) ■Translation by Tung-ming [tungming23@gmail.com]

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