■馬漪楠 培正中學英文科副主任
ENG 相信同學在小學時就背過不少中文的四字成語。背的時候,有時候也會覺得艱深無聊,但長大後便覺得他們言簡意賅,不用長篇大論去解釋已經令人一目了然。其實,英文亦有不少成語,只是因大部分中小學不會把英文成語放進教科書,所以港生對英文成語仍很陌生。教統局亦沒有要求把英文成語放在課程內,英文老師教的機會亦較少。現在任教英文的老師大多沒有在成長期間接觸過英文成語,因此他們或可能忽略了教授學生成語的這一課。其實英文成語的作用和中文成語一樣,對學生寫作非常有用。若然學生也懂得在寫DSE英文作文時,適當地用上英文成語,便能給閱卷員留下深刻的印象。
Cut-of-the-way places 偏遠地方
Throw a straw against the wind 以卵擊石
Practice what you preach 以身作則
Birds of a feather flock together 物以類聚
The more the merrier 越多(人參加)越好
In rags and tatters 衣衫襤褸
Beyond one's endurance 忍無可忍
Keep/stay abreast of 並駕齊驅
As safe as bank vaults 絕對安全
Through thick and thin 同甘共苦
Good advice is beyond all price 金玉良言
Roses come with thorns 玫瑰有刺
Go down the drain 前功盡廢
To be capricious 反覆無常
To rack one's brain 絞盡腦汁
In a dilemma 進退兩難
To have gone astray 誤入歧途
Live a vagabond life 顛沛流離
Hang in the balance 懸而未決
Make shift device 權宜之計
1. Mary and John have got married. Now they will stick together ______.
2. The government has just announced that all the beaches are ______ since there are no sharks and are not polluted.
3. Cambodian children who are ______ begged money from the tourists.
4. For a small company to compete with an enterprise, it is like to ______.
5. Jason ______ his ______ to figure out the meaning of her words. Still, he couldn't understand.
6. Jason ______ with some bad friends and has become the black sheep in our school.
7. Please listen to your teacher' s words; ______.
8. To think twice and delay making any action is always a good ______.
1. through thick and thin;
2. as safe as bank vaults;
3. in rags and tatters;
4. throw a straw against the wind;
5. racked brain;
6. has got astray;
7. go advice is beyond price
8. make shift device