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2013年12月13日 星期五
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英文應試攻略:懂得推敲 善用常識


■同學在做推論題時,要懂得如何「read between the lines」。資料圖片

上期和同學分享過應如何處理contextual meaning questions。 今日,筆者想和同學討論一下有關推論(Inference)的問題。

問題形式多樣 留意隱含意義

簡單來說,推論問題的答案不可直接從文中找出來。即同學需要懂得如何「read between the lines」; 除依據文章有限的information外,同學需要運用common sense才可找出答案。Inference問題可以closed-ended or open-ended 的形式出現,而open-ended or multiple-choice的問題通常較複雜。

掌握文章中的information - the correct answer should NOT contradict the information provided in the passage。同時,需要留意一下文中的詞語有沒有一些隱含意義。e.g. 如果文中作者用「thin」rather than 「slim」 去形容某人;可能作者對那人的身材並不endorse.

Inference questions一般問以下3點:

1.A fact

2.A character's emotion

3.The author's views or emotions

E.g. Lisa walked back and forth the room and repeated her tedious complaints against her boyfriend. On hearing Lisa's complaints again, Maurice tried excessively hard to focus on his reading materials and did not respond at all, hoping that his silence will quiet her.

What is the author's attitude toward Lisa?

1.Supportive 2.Neutral  3.Disapproval

從以上的例子中,讀者可以知道作者對Lisa的態度是disapproved的,基於文章用了一些negative的vocabulary to describe Lisa's behavior such as tedious complaints.■Dr. A. Chan




Read the following excerpt and answer the questions below.

Gender discrimination still exists in a wide range of areas, and so do violations of women's rights and interests.

Such discrimination is particularly obvious among employers. Male applicants often have a better chance of being hired than their female counterparts even when the latters' credentials are better than the former. The same is true for promotion in many companies.

There are laws and regulations that prohibit discrimination against women, but it is a matter of public awareness, the awareness of the equal rights and interests of women.

1.Which of the following inferences is most soundly supported by the evidence in the passage?

A.In contemporary China, women mostly occupy the junior positions.

B.In contemporary China, men mostly occupy the junior positions.

C.In contemporary China, the proportion of women and men occupy the junior positions are comparable.

ANS: A(Because of the statement "The same is true for promotion in many companies.")

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