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2013年12月18日 星期三
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

社評雙語道:拜登訪華 推進新型大國關係


■中國國家副主席李源潮在北京人民大會堂會見來訪的美國副總統拜登。 資料圖片




Biden's visit to China promotes a new model of major-country relations

U.S. Vice President Mr Biden's visit to China started on 4 December. Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao stressed in a meeting with Biden that the spirit of 'non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation' should be implemented in all aspects of China-U.S. relations. It is a fact that Biden's trip to China was not about discussing the air defense identification zone, but about how to promote a new model of major-country relations between China and the U.S. This shows that the U.S. is willing to take a broader view on how to expand practical cooperation with China. Japan's plot to turn the U.S., its boss behind the scenes, against China on the issue of the air defense zone is a waste of effort.

Biden's visit took place against the backdrop of China's declaration of an air defense identification zone in the East China Sea. The zoning has invoked deep concerns among countries like the U.S. and Japan; the reaction of Japan was particularly strong. As the U.S. and Japan are military allies, it was generally believed that Biden made the trip to China to speak up for Japan and to pressurize China into rescinding the zoning. However, it is worth noting that on the issue of the air defense identification zone, the U.S. has used such words as it "does not recognize" and hopes that China "will not enforce" the zone, which are in stark contrast to Japan's rhetoric such as "refusing to accept" and "demanding China to rescind". This reflects that the U.S. really cares about the fundamentals of building a new model of major-country relations with China.

The focus of the Biden visit was on how to promote a new model of major-country relations between the U.S. and China. In June, President Xi Jinping and President Obama had already reached an important consensus on the construction of a new model of major-country relations between the two countries and they had also mapped out the direction for future China-U.S. relations. As Mr Biden said, 'the China-U.S. relations have a crucial impact on the world and are getting increasingly mature. The U.S. is committed to strengthening high-level exchanges with China, to expanding practical cooperation and to managing differences with a candid, constructive attitude in order to promote the new model of major-country relations between the U.S. and China.' (節自香港《文匯報》2013年12月5日)■Translation by Tung-ming

[ tungming23@gmail.com ]


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