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2014年10月17日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

英文應試攻略:寫好結局 文章圓滿


重申重點 預測將來


Restatement:此方法要求運用不同的文字,重申文章的重點或thesis statement(中心句)。

Conclusion of an essay which argues for the preservation of a historical school building:

As I have mentioned earlier, I believe that by preserving the existing school building, our school can not only save money and protect students' collective memory but it can also set an example to the general public. Based on these reasons, I'm in support of saying "no" to demolishing our existing school building.

在上例中,作者重申她的論點─反對拆珩{有校舍,主要原因為:1. save money;2. protect students' collective memory;3. set an example to the general public。Restatement是最常用的總結方法。



Conclusion of an essay which is in support of the construction of another theme park in Hong Kong:

I believe that opening another theme park in Hong Kong is a brilliant idea. I support it because of the changes it will bring to our citizens and our community. I believe that this new amazing theme park will bring improved infrastructure, enhanced recreational space and increased employment, which will make our society a more competitive and a nicer place to live.

在這上例中,作者重申立場後(支持在港興建another theme park)便預測興建的好處,例如將會有更完善的公共建設及更多就業機會等,再次說服讀者。最後,有兩個錯誤一定不能犯,它們是:

1. 不寫conclusion。同學們一定要預留時間去寫conclusion,否則嚴重失分。

2. 在conclusion中引入新論點。在conclusion才引入新論點,無論論點多好,將不會為你的文章提升分數,因為你沒空間去闡釋。


Please write a conclusion in response to the following question. You can adopt whatever stance you want. After you write the conclusion, you may compare your conclusion with the one suggested here.

"Should smartphones be banned in school?"


 To conclude, while there is no doubt that smartphones bring convenience to our life, they also become a great distraction to students in class. Also, some students may use them to cheat in exams or to bully their fellow classmates. To make things easier for teachers, parents and even students, I'd prefer reverting to the pre-smartphone state, at least when we are still in school.

 ■Dr. A. Chan



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