在英語世界中,你會經常聽到外國人用binomials(二項式的名詞)。事實上,中文也有這樣的用法,例如當我們形容那地方很殘舊,我們可能會用「支離破碎」去形容。英文中的用法也類似,我們可以用rack and ruin去形容支離破碎,不一定用old。在DSE作文中多用binomails有助同學用更多varied vocabulary items,對英文寫作絕對有利。
1. thrills and spills緊張刺激
2. leaps and bounds迅速反彈(帶有正面意思)
3. cause and effect因果
4. doom and gloom絕望沮喪
5. rack and ruin支離破碎
6. pick and choose挑挑剔剔
7. peace and quiet安安靜靜
8. safe and sound安然無恙
9. hustle and bustle擠擁繁忙
10. back and forth來來回回
11. rest and recreation休息與消遣
12. bread and butter謀生之道
13. available and accessible可提供與可達到
14. rant and rave大吵大鬧
15. law and order法律與治安
16. born and bred土生土長
17. sick and tired完全厭倦
18. black and white是非分明
19. trial and error反覆試驗
20. first and foremost最重要的
1. the country is going to _____ if there is no renovation.
2. The documentary shows the _____ of snowboarding.
3. The local magazines are always full of _____.
4. The economy is picking up by _____.
5. This research paper examines the various _____ of the American Civil War.
1. rack and ruin
2. thrills and spills
3. doom and gloom
4. leaps and bounds
5. cause and effect