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雄辯東西:撥亂反正 呼籲投票



Two days to go for the Election Day for the Hong Kong Legislative Council. Poll stations will open at 7:30pm on Sunday. I urge people who share the same views with me and believe in constructive development, come out and vote to prevent troublemakers being elected into the Legco.



Today, with uncertainty looming over Hong Kong's economic development, our deep-rooted and unresolved issues have cast a dark cloud over Hong Kong. The oppositions feeding pessimism, resentment, hatred, distrust and discord into our communities - allowing extremism to block meaningful dialogues and rational discussions, allowing a handful of individuals to deliberately attack our rule of law, paralyze our legislature, and destroy the peace and along with it, our communities for their political ambitions.

Together with the majority of the people of Hong Kong, I believe in progress, reconciliation, and social well-being. Solutions are found in dialogues, not fists. I call on our citizens to relinquish antagonism and together, we can forge our way forward. Please cast your vote wisely on Sunday.



